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For Sale: Accusteer HRP100-12 hydraulic pump for autopilot

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
May 4, 2019
I am selling the boat and any gear not already installed, which includes this very fine, uninstalled and unused, in excellent to perfect condition, hydraulic pump. It is reversing and is very quiet compared to any other pump you may have seen or heard of. It is a medium-heavy duty pump suitable for larger boats hydraulic steering for an autopilot.

It is fully adjustable from 0-3.5 cubic inch/sec and will work with any cylinder up to 50 cu.in. depending on your lock to lock time needs. This pump is made for Furuno and sold as a HRP35-12. They are the same pump: https://www.furunousa.com/en/support/PUMPHRP35-12

The Furuno link to the manual: https://www.furunousa.com/-/media/sites/furuno/document_library/documents/manuals/installation_manuals/accusteer_hrp_35_instruction_manual_2017.pdf

This pump retails for $1350USD by Furuno and $1400-$1600 elsewhere.

My price: $700 plus you pay shipping from Washington state.

I also have a used/rebuilt/tested Hynautic K-3-B 23.1 cu.in. cylinder I will put in a separate ad. It is a good match for this pump.


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I still have this for sale. Best offer plus shipping or you pick up in Anacortes, WA.
I still have this for sale. Best offer plus shipping or you pick up in Anacortes, WA.

I am interested, if it can work for my existing system.
Fit for your system


I don't know what you have so can't make that determination for you. The pump is pretty generic other than the flow volume and it is for a 12v DC system. It is designed for a more HD autopilot and not the low end ones, if you would be in challenging open ocean sea states. I was going to use the Simrad AC42 autopilot computer which can use up to 10A at max power output. The pump is adjustable for flow so it can be used with a wide range of cylinder volumes and throws, including the cylinder I am offering. You would have to use the right standard hydraulic fittings and hoses that are widely available. The manual (attached to a previous post) gives you the info you need. It can use the most common hydraulic oils, which I would think you already use.

Whether it is plug and play with your hose fittings I don't know but the pump connections are very commonly used. You could get a set of adapters or new hoses made at modest cost if you had to. It does need a fill hose to fill and bleed but that is simple if you don't already have one. It has to be mounted horizontally in all planes. Most newer autopilot computers automatically adjust for direction of travel for the hose lines so they can be connected to either drive side of the pump.

The cylinder specs are specific to your needs. If the cylinder matches your existing cylinder (flow, throw - or is the exact same cylinder) then it is plug and play if the connections are the same, which is probably the case but not necessarily. The mount orientation to your drive arm is critical as it would be for any setup. The cylinder is very powerful and I selected the pump for it. I don't know what your existing helm pump is so if you will be using this cylinder for both the helm and the autopilot (most likely) then you need to make sure the helm pump matches the appropriate range for the cylinder as far as wheel travel lock to lock. If you current cylinder has the same volume and throw it should be compatible.

I am not a hydraulic steering system expert so you need to think this through for yourself or get someone else who can. When I changed my old cylinder out for a different brand and specs in New Zealand (Hynautics wasn't available) I got one that was a close match, but not exact, my pump specs and my lock to lock needs. I had to change the mounting platform which was a challenge for me because of my limited access (upside down through a small hatch where I couldn't see except with a mirror). This was a typical sailboat issue and if you have good access to your existing setup not really a hard problem at all. You might have to drill new holes to match the base of this cylinder if it doesn't match what you have. There is some maximum out of plane slack allowed as there is with most cylinders.

The throw is important mostly because it has to be long enough for your rudder/boat setup. It is longer than many. If you have a short throw it doesn't matter. You will need rudder stops in any case which you should already have to prevent damage to your rudder and/or damage to the cylinder seals from over-extension.

The ball joint swivel at the end of the drive shaft is 5/8" which is bigger than some. It requires a 5/8" pin at the rudder arm with clearance for the height and width of the ball. This is important if you have an arm with a U or I shape, and the pin has to be between the U and I bracing. If the pin is on top or on the bottom of the arm it shouldn't be a problem although you might need to have the right pin diameter if it doesn't match. I attached the specs for the cylinder to my previous posts.

I have one other cruiser who is out right now who said he was interested but he did not commit. First commitment and payment wins.
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I still have this for sale. Best offer plus shipping or you pick up in Anacortes, WA.

Thank you for the detailed explanation. I am not an expert by no means. However, I plan to build up the parts for an autopilot solution with my existing hydraulic system. As of now, I have steering, bow thruster, windlass, hooked up to the system. No power steering, though. My hydraulic pump is driven by double belts from the main and there is also a hydraulic oil tank included. All very old installations, but looks sturdy. My helm pump is Kobald and it has expansion tube attached. My wheel turns 7 3/4 end to end. See photos.
We can continue in PM for further discussions.


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I am selling the boat and any gear not already installed,
It is a good match for this pump.

Do you have any other ' autopilot ' related equipment, which is suitable for this pump?
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