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    • C
      These folks are very reliable... Be sure to look thru all engines....they can take you in steps from remanufactured longblock on up to...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Transmission cooler.
      While I'm a strong believer in oem, you might be able to visually identify what's there now from the below...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Dt466.
      DT466 one of the best engines ever made, but not often marinized. The sae 3 adaptor below gets you from marine transmission to sae...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Trucking a Mainship 390 800 miles.
      With a 'specialized' carrier of boats, expect to pay $8 ish per mile....does not include loading/unloading, or disassembly/assembly at...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Trucking a Mainship 390 800 miles.
      Give JC a call...tell him the 'Stamas' guy referred you
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Newbie search.
      Consider plenty of liability lien and you shoulder physical loss should it occur.
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Life after our GB 32 woodie.
      I second the above thinking. You've had your GB for it and know its condition. Any new boat will have its own set of...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Re-engine Marina Trader 34DC.
      As I reread the post, are your plans to replace the two Volvo gassers with the single diesel?
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Old Engine for New Trawler.
      Cummins had two rules for their first electronic offering to the trucking industry, the N14celect First, ecu could not have 'full...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Best Oil for John Deere?.
      Check JD Service Bulletins.....just call a JD service dept and they'll email it.... I would trust their authority above all others
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Battery Chargers.
      While you're delving into what's there now, would be a good time to see where things stand re cable size of various chargers to...
    • C
      Crux replied to the thread Battery Chargers.
      Check out Victron , 3 independent bank chargers in various amperages. Idk about 4 bank, but their offerings are exhaustive...
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