Hello from Tulsa

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Mar 17, 2020
United States
Hello, Here's my story,
I'm looking for a boat to live on & scuba dive from, and fish a little in the Florida Keys/Bahamas.
Budget is 100-250K.
I'm retiring from the military & still have GI Bill, so I plan on attending the College of the Florida Keys to take advantage of the Marine Science & Diving programs. I have a lot of experience with RV living, so I expect even more of the challenges that come with living in/on something small.
I've visited the keys many times to dive, so I know some of the details of Key Life. Also I have experience boating, but only operating in fresh water, so I know how the expenses can really add up.
Anyway, glad to be here.
Welcome to TF to both of you.

Feloze, just a low key suggestion for you: Without divulging where you live and where you boat it might be difficult in the future for you to get answers to questions you post.

When people don't fill in the info about their city and state, their boat, etc., (With the notable exception of Mr. RTF) it seems like they're hiding something or not really wanting to join TF, more like dipping a toe in the water.

Feel free to fully join in. This is a great bunch of guys who have a lot of boating knowledge and are eager to share it with you. Heck, they even put up with me and I'm not a trawler owner.

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