Hello From Myrtle Beach

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2018
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Marine Trader 36 Sundeck
I've posted a few queries here and appreciate the quick responses. Thanks to everyone!

I've been an avid boater since the age of 14 which brings us to over 40 years on the water. While most of the vessels have been sailboats, I do have some power background. Have owned various small power boats in the 25-30 foot range. The largest to date was a 42 foot 1956 Matthews flybridge cruiser on the California Delta. Man, that was a beautiful boat. But Lordy, the maintenance on a wood boat! The last boat we owned and lived aboard for 5 years was a Lagoon 410 Catamaran. We sold that to take a break and switch over to power for something a little different.

I'm also a yacht broker and hold a 100 ton Masters License as well as a certified ASA instructor. So I do some teaching, some deliveries and what ever else that keeps me on the water! The current boat we're trying to purchase will be used 50-50. Living aboard down somewhere down south in the winter and keeping her docked in Myrtle Beach for the summer. We tend to anchor out 95% of the time when down south, along with many who do the same.

Again, thanks for all the help so far. I'm sure there will be many more questions to follow....

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