hello from alaska

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Sep 17, 2012
Hello new to your forum. Been reading for the last eight months or so. Just returned form a trip to florida,georiga, alabama looking for my new retirement trawler. Hope to cruise back to alaska.

We're from Alaska as well.

What part are you from???

What are you looking for in a retirement trawler?
Love those Bertrams,

I noticed the 3rd wheel on your trailer.

Your Alaska trawler should be seaworthy, comfortable and well found. I'd suggest three sources of heat. Like a Wabasto, a diesel heating stove like a Dickinson and a bus heater. The bus heater is limited to time w the engine running of course but they put out lots of heat.

Pick a boat that has enough room to be comfortable for longer periods of time. When the weather gets really bad this could be a life saving feature. If you've got "all the comforts of home" aboard you'll be less likely to go out when it's dangerous.

My avatar was taken in Duncan Canal. We just finished our Alaska time and live in Concrete Washington now. We kinda retired from Ak.
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Welcome! Just got back from Palmer on Saturday. They are still waiting on breakup. 28f and -6 one night. Grandson was great and had a good time.

I would suggest buying on the west coast if you plan to motor it up, unless you have many many $$$....
I live in homer. have looked mostly for some thing with a separate wheel house, covered side decks high bulwarks. want a water maker and would like a Portuguese bridge and some kind of stabilizer not mandatory. like the 42 krogen, 49 defever and really like ocean alexander mk1.
My original plan was to purchase a boat on the east coast and take four or five years to come north butttt in the last couple months thing are changing and i am heading to west coast in june to look there bring a boat here then head east in a year or two.


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Maybe an older Defever may fill the void. 200K will buy a lot of boat right now...

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