Ahoy from Norfolk Virginia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Aug 11, 2015
Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. Little bit about me and the Admiral I retired last year from the Navy (Submarines), the Admiral is a physical therapist we have no children and are looking to maybe not completly retire but have a good 6 months a year off, if not more. I have been trawling different sights for a while. I was looking at trawlers a few years ago but thought we couldn't afford one to live aboard and cruise on one. We were pretty dead set on a sail boat till the wife and I spent sometime on a few, we didn't like the heel for extended periods of time and lack of space. So now I'm back looking at trawlers and trying to learn as much as I can in the next year and a half, we are looking to sell the house and move aboard the boat by the end of next year, work long enough to pay it off and fatten up the cruising kitty, then either go for the loop, or to the Caribbean. So not much to do, educate myself on all things trawlers, "I have learned a lot already thanks to the forum", figure out exactly what I and the Admiral want, learn how to captain a boat this big, I have a Carolina skiff now, take a diesel engine course, and I'm sure many, many more things. So again Ahoy and I can't wait to here from everyone.
Welcome and with your nice intro I thought I'd post a picture I took this morning. USS Dallas on her very last run (on her way to Bremerton to be decommissioned, I live nearby). Best of luck learning about trawlers here.


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Beautiful picture, never was on the Dallas. I do miss the west coast a little, I grew up in Oregon.
Welcome and thank you for your service.
Welcome and with your nice intro I thought I'd post a picture I took this morning. USS Dallas on her very last run (on her way to Bremerton to be decommissioned, I live nearby). Best of luck learning about trawlers here.

Amazing photo. Thanks for sharing.
Welcome aboard Shipmate!
Thank you for your service. Lots of Military folks here to help you.
Happy hunting for your boat, she will find you.
Ever Humevaced by USCG helo near Kodiak, AK?

If so we might have met already....:D

My only real tip for trawlers.... they do much better staying on the surface...:thumb:

Welcome aboard and thanks for your service!!!!!!!
Welcome!! Great group here, so just fire the questions out.....

You didn't say if you owned a boat before or your level of handiness, would recommend finding something smaller to start and get your feet (above water) under you, larger trawlers have a lot of systems and the older ones could need some TLC that would take away from cruising.
Welcome,. There are a couple of us on the tide water area. I live on Hampton and keep three boat at our condos Marina.

Good luck on the hunt.

Welcome aboard from another former Coastie (no helo's here-all guns and water-LOL).
The start small idea from MarlinMike has a lot of merit.

Good to have your here.

Welcome! We were in Norfolk this past weekend visiting our daughter and son-in-law who are both in the CG. We are new boat owners ourselves hoping to close by Friday so we too have a LOT to learn but are excited about it all.
It is weird. I have never served in the armed forces yet have a probably unreasonable admiration and respect for the USCG. I tend to like folks who have, as one of their primary missions, the singular goal of keeping me safe on the water.

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