Underwater lights on a Grand Banks?

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sum escape

Senior Member
Jun 30, 2014
Cruising, currently Longboat Key, FL
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Tiara 53 Fly
We will be leaving on the Great Loop this Fall.
Admiral has seen underwater lights on lots of boats but there aren't too many GB's in the Great Lakes to view.
A happy admiral makes for a good trip....
Clearly this option is not common on a trawler although many express cruisers and other types of vessels have added them over the past few years.
But, what will we be doing to our three years down the road resale value? Will this make the boat undesirable to a trawler buyer?
What does one need to spend on the LED lights? There are some very expensive ones out there...are they worth the extra $$$?
Is there a brand someone can recommend that is a reliable, functional, middle of the road price?

I expect this will create a spirited debate! :)
I don't think they have an effect on resale.

We installed 4 Lumitec Sea Blaze X's and I'm quite happy with them they are dual color all you have to do is cycle the toggle switch to go through the various modes.
They're about $400 a light, pretty fair I think.
What function do they serve?

Seems to me like something one would buy only if they have too many boat bucks in the bank. There are better things to spend boat bucks on IMHO.
I don't think they have an effect on resale.

Several additional penetrations of the hull below the waterline for no good purpose? Reduces the resale value IMO.
What function do they serve?

Seems to me like something one would buy only if they have too many boat bucks in the bank. There are better things to spend boat bucks on IMHO.

Actually if you fish, at night, many species will be attracted to the lights. For example squid are very much attracted, and other desirable species follow.
Several additional penetrations of the hull below the waterline for no good purpose? Reduces the resale value IMO.

No, they're small 1/4 holes with 3 #10 self tapping screws. I got bigger things to worry about.
Actually, I was just at a boat show a month or so ago and saw a new set of underwater lights that required a 4 inch hole through the hull., and that's 4" per light installed.

I don't expect sales of that particular model to do well.

But N4712 is right that generally they are small holes.
Twenty years ago I was captain on a private yacht and we had an underwater light. It was extremely rare at the time, there were no LED thru hull lights made then.
Using a five gallon bucket as a mold, a fiberglass shell was made, a round hole was cut in the bottom, and a swimming pool light was installed. The power cord ran up under the swim platform and ran through the transom above the water line. The shell was cut to create the proper angle to the transom and it was glassed to the boat.
Since the most expensive part was the pool light available now at a local pool supply store, I expect to hear about other TF readers report their low cost installation.
Other then a general cool factor at the dock not overly practical for a trawler, for fisherman that's a whole different story. I agree with some others, keep the money, you'll need it for other issues on your loop trip for sure.
Couldn't you just mount them under your swim grid? No holes in the hull...
Just use a bright flashlight and you can see underwater just fine so there would not be a glare issue.
In the Bahamas/Keys/Caribbean lights will at least provide a nice fish attracting show, not so sure that will be the case for most of the loop, but others can weigh in on water clarity.
They are great in clear water. Especially if you have kids on board. They will spend hours on the swim platform watching and catching what comes to the lights. Of course many adults will too. :D

But in dirty water, waste of money IMO.
In Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, traditional cruise boats entertain passengers at night by attracting squid to catch with a waterproof light on a cord dropped overboard. Worked well. I`d say the reason for fitting lights is aesthetics, not practicality.
(Footnote: Do NOT swim in Ha Long Bay. A beautiful place, but the many tourist boats do not have holding tanks, combine that with delicious spicy Thai food and ....)
I had blue lights under the dash of my 56' chevy .... I grew out of that stuff by the time I was nineteen.
My kids play for hours with a flashlight. I want to join the fun and have my own large flashlight?

They are awesome and I say do it asap:)

Who cares what the next hypothetical person buying the boat will want! Enjoy it when you have it...
Walking down the dock in Bimini when every boat on the dock had their lights on was stunning. I say go for it.
I put four blue LED lights on my trim tabs. Two per side. Used the relatively cheap ones, and only one small hole for wires above water line, so no issues there. Had two sets of the Perko underwater lights to fail. Don't waste time with them. The blue LEDs look nice in clear water, otherwise, don't bother.
I put four blue LED lights on my trim tabs. Two per side. Used the relatively cheap ones, and only one small hole for wires above water line, so no issues there. Had two sets of the Perko underwater lights to fail. Don't waste time with them. The blue LEDs look nice in clear water, otherwise, don't bother.

You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of the install would you?
I may have some of the lights when it was on the hard. I will try to find them for you. Give me a day or so, I am in the Keys.
Couldn't you just mount them under your swim grid? No holes in the hull...

This is what I did ... hate making more holes below the water line.

The primary reason for the lights is safety at night when stepping on and from swim platform onto unfamiliar dock. The light provides a nice shine around the swim platform and dock. Also, illuminates the running gear and the bottom under it ... useful in shallow waters.


The light is one of Lumitec under/above water lights. Most underwater lights expect to be under water for cooling, this one can be installed under or above. If you need its model number, let me know and I will dig it out.
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Thanks for all this input and spirited debate....
N4712, thanks for the recommendation, this was one brand I was considering.
HopCar, yes the lights at night in Bimini is what it is all about....
Drake, Amen....it does say it all.
Now it is just what brand and how many....
It's a sport fish thing. They can't afford to run the boats so they buy lights. Why anyone would put a hole in their hull for a useless light is beyond me.
Mr, T. Useless in your opinion but, as mentioned, advantages to some. I'm considering surface mounts below the water similar to what I interpret Mr. O (N4712) to have. That being said, they may be redundant in the murky waters of the Miss' and associated waterways...
I'm normally a fairly practical guy but I'd install them if I got a set for Christmas. The light in our swimming pool creates a cool sort of atmosphere at night. Why not in the boat for a romantic midnight swim with the wife? The fish attraction and entertainment for kids is a bonus.
I'm in.
Do they collect much crud? I.e., do they need to be cleaned often?
Do they collect much crud? I.e., do they need to be cleaned often?

We scrub ours with our deck brush every so often they do collect a little crud.
I'm normally a fairly practical guy but I'd install them if I got a set for Christmas. The light in our swimming pool creates a cool sort of atmosphere at night. Why not in the boat for a romantic midnight swim with the wife? The fish attraction and entertainment for kids is a bonus.
I'm in.

I'm in too. The midnight swim sounds nice, depending on the type of fish it attracts! :ermm:
Would there be any interest in an underwater LED lighting system that did not require a hole to be drilled in the hull? If so, I have posted information in the Commercial Market section.

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