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50 amp Chris Craft

I too have the exact same 1988 Chris Craft 500. I ran into a issue with it tripping the pedestal breaker, but traced it back to a faulty 50 amp breaker on the pedestal in the marina as faulty. It was tripping at 30 amps. Look at your amp meters on your ac panel. They typically will be less than 30 amps on the first 2 meter and less than 10 on the 3rd panel. If you do run the dryer, hair dryer and all 5 AC units you will need the additional 125v 50amp hook up, but the only things of any consequence are the hot water heater and refrigerator. Ever other power guzzler are on the 1st 2 panels. I hope this helps. Jeff
50 AMP to 2-30 amp plugs

I have a 1988 48' Chris (Uniflite hull) that has two 30 amp-120V inlets. I run a 50 amp 240V cord from the pedestal and then have a 50 amp-240 to 30 amp 120V splitter that plugs into the 30 amp inlets. Lived aboard, W/D, Microwave, hair dryer and sometimes ran both a 16K and 10K AC units - never tripped a breaker, plugs are good/no heat damage.

I'm not at my boat but I believe one 30 amp was for some, if not all (3 total) AC units and the other 30 amp was for, well, everything else. I always ran the selector switch in the "Both" position.

I see your location is Baltimore - are you running several additional heater units?

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