New member from florida

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Jan 2, 2017
Hello to all. My wife and I are looking to retire in 3-4 years. We have enjoyed the Florida gulf coast for years and are planning to purchase a trawler to expand into the Caribbean and, perhaps, the great loop. We toured a 48 ft Krogen in Eleuthera in November and were very impressed. Have a lot of research left to do, but a 42 Krogen looks like the perfect boat at this point. Looking forward to moving forward with help/input from you all.
Welcome aboard from Flagler County!
Welcome aboard. When you introduce the great loop into the discussion of a boat, then bridge clearance becomes an issue. That is true on a KK42 as well. 19'1" clearance is the minimum
Keystone Heights eh? I hear there used to be boating over there until it all dried up!

J/K welcome.
Menzies you are correct. Lakes pretty well dried up here. We have a place at the mouth of the Suwannee on the gulf. Still plenty of water over there! Have a 22 ft bay and an airboat over there. Probably will end up being the only place we will keep after retirement.
Welcome aboard, CEason, from another Floridian. Speaking of seasons, I notice that your weather up there near Gainesville is mighty warm for January, just like ours here in St. Petersburg. How long have you been thinking about trawler life for retirement? :socool: You are going to have so much fun looking at boats!
Welcome aboard from Miami!
One of our members has recently completed his second crossing of the Atlantic in a KK 42. Fine boat. Look up Richard on Dauntless.
Welcome aboard, CEason, from another Floridian. Speaking of seasons, I notice that your weather up there near Gainesville is mighty warm for January, just like ours here in St. Petersburg. How long have you been thinking about trawler life for retirement? :socool: You are going to have so much fun looking at boats!

We have been thinking about cruising for many years, but not with any real direction. Did a lot of scuba in the Caribbean earlier (mostly before kids) and always wanted the opportunity to explore at a more relaxed pace. Wife was not to excited about spending months on a boat until a couple of years ago when we started traveling in a motor home. She has warmed up to the idea now and with retirement getting closer. Meeting a couple in Eleuthera over thanksgiving on a 48 ft Krogen sealed the deal for her. Hoping to get to a couple of boat shows this year. Miami would be nice, but it's anniversary weekend! Jacksonville for sure in April and Ft Lauderdale later in the year. At this point have everything still to learn.

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