New FREE Atlantic ICW Problem Stretch Videos Available On-Line

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oct 10, 2007
It will come as absolutely NO surprise to any member of the Southeastern USA cruising community when I say that the Atlantic ICW has become a trouble plagued superhighway for vessels of all descriptions. And, of course, the reason is shoaling along any number of points in the Waterway's north to south (or vice-verse) run.

We at the Salty Southeast Cruisers' Net have decided to take a bold step to help the cruising community work through these Waterway difficulties during this fall, 2007 transient season. WHAT WE HAVE DONE IS TO PROVIDE A SERIES OF SIX DETAILED, ON-THE-WATER VIDEOS WHICH COVER WHAT WE BELIEVE ARE THE SIX MOST PROBLEM PLAGUED STRETCHES OF THE ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY! In these videos, we suggest clues as to the best ways to bypass or safely cruise through the various hazards, and in all instances, we show you where we found the shallowest water.

WE ARE PROVIDING THESE VIDEOS TO THE CRUISING COMMUNITY AT ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE! That's right, all you need do to begin checking out the detailed data contained in our "ICW Problem Stretch Videos" is go to, and then peruse the navigational buttons along the left side of the page. There, you will see a new category entitled, "Cruisers' Net Video Channel." Under this heading will be links to all six of the "ICW Problem Stretch Videos," and an introductory video. May we be so bold as to suggest that during your first visit to the Cruisers' Net Video Channel, watch our introductory video. This short presentation will provide a good overview of what we have tried to accomplish.

Our videos run on Windows Media Player. PLEASE NOTE* THAT YOU MUST PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON TWICE!!!!!!! More detailed instructions are included on the introductory pages. After pressing the "Play: button for the second time, there will be a delay before the video starts to play. How long a delay depends on the speed of your internet connection., With a business class cable modem, we have seen delays as short as one second, while a mid-speed DSL connection yielded a delay of 10 to 15 seconds.

Of course, all cruisers should recognize that channels and aids to navigation change, often without any notice. While our ICW videos provide insights into what we found during our September, 2007 visit to these troubled waters, THINGS COULD BE VERY DIFFERENT BY THE TIME OF YOUR ARRIVAL. Aids to navigation are frequently shifted, added to, or deleted entirely. Bottom strata changes, and depths could also be quite different. As time goes by, the likelihood of such alternations grow exponentially. We strongly suggest that cruisers do NOT attempt to make use of the info contained in our ICW video series later than December 31, 2007.

Also, Do NOT rely solely on the information contained in our ICW video series. Failure to follow on-the-water reality, even when it differs from the information contained in our video series, is the sole responsibility of captain and crew!

WE HOPE TO MAKE OUR "ICW Problem Stretch Videos" A REGULAR SEMI-ANNUAL FEATURE ON THE SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS' NET VIDEO CHANNEL. You can help in this process by identifying other sections of the Waterway for possible inclusion in our Spring, 2008 series of Waterway videos. PLEASE send your suggestions to

Good luck and good cruising to all!

Claiborne S. Young
Salty Southeast Cruisers' Net
Sorry, but I can't resist this.
Why doesn't one simply sail offshore and become real sailors, particularly as the average trawler has more electronic aids to navigation on board than the QE 2. And yes, boats can still sail after dark.
Duck, incoming!
I've always wandered the same thing, but then there is a lot to see up and down the ICW. I did my first ICW back in XMAS 2000 form Marco Island FL to Richmond Va and even though we were in a hurry I saw a lot of interesting sights which I plan to go back and see at a later date. One of the things I saw was the reason we were on the ICW. From the boat we could see the open ocean with all of its waves, at the time the wind was at 60 MPH, and I was glad for the little barrier between us.
Hey, I'll* take up that challenge.
Because, if you did the entire trip to Florida (or back north) in the briney blue, you would miss some of the most beautiful anchorages in the world (such as the ones off the Waccamaw River in South Carolina), and some of the most wonderful ports of call, like Beaufort, North Carolina, and Charleston, SC. I, for one, think the difficulties on most stretches of the Atlantic ICW, are worth the cost!
However, unless the Georgia portion of the Waterway is dredged SOON, we may all have to start talking about taking to the sea (moving south) from either Charleston or Savannah River, and coming back "inside" at the St. Johns River inlet (Mayport).
I would be interested in what other cruisers think of this stretegy!

Claiborne S. Young
Hey folks,
** Personally we prefer to traverse about 3 to 4 miles offshore. Biggest reason we like it is the solitude and no wake maker traffic. The GICWW and ICW can be a challenge (esp in FL!!!). No offence folks but sometimes the waters are very crowded and the wakes are really awful. The smaller boats dont have a chance. We are lying in Savannah now waiting out the H-season to head south then east, so I cant speak of the ICW north of here. We have no desire to do the loop or going further north ever. All that said, even without a schedule, it is not always possible to comfortably cruise off shore, so you either wait for a weather window or stay on the ICW. Other than that, off shore is for us! Our rule is 1 foot of waves prediction for each 10ft of boat len. 42 ft boat..4ft wave prediction max. And as yall know, it doesnt always work out that way! Be safe!
I like the bow view of your boat.


  • nodrogjul4th 024.jpg
    nodrogjul4th 024.jpg
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OK, you show me yours and I'll show you mine.

The first one is "Lady Washington" underway in Bellingham Bay. You may have seen her in Pirates of the Carribean.

-- Edited by Carey at 17:16, 2007-10-20

-- Edited by Carey at 17:16, 2007-10-20

-- Edited by Carey at 17:17, 2007-10-20
Now that the thread has strayed... I will join in, I love showing off my bow!


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IF sailboats were to use the ocean then who would cause all the bridges to open and cause traffic to back up ? Heck, sailboats are why bridge tenders have jobs.....
(hey, it's all in humor, mostly)
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