Metlakatla and Moira Sound

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Oct 31, 2007
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Willard Nomad 30'
We went to Ketchikan last week for doctor, shopping and eating out. Was the first really nice ride to Ketchikan we've had so when it came time, since the weather was to remain good for several days we went to Metlakatla on Anette Island and on to Moira Sound. Metlakatla is a Tsimshin Indian village on Anette Is much larger than Thorne Bay (where we live). Thier real estate is their own, to the extent that they tell the Coast Gaurd to stay away** ..* and they do. It appears they live by tribal law, have thier own police force and thus, are quite independent. How they came to be there and the story of Father Duncan is quite interesting and when I commented that they must have been rebels of some sort they all laughed at the comunity pancake breakfast. We enjoyed our time there. The next morning we made the 15nm crossing to Prince of Wales Island and Moira Sound. Few places assessable by boat in Alaska could be more wilderness like than Moira Sound. We saw one other boat (a shrimper) from Wrangell and He hailed us to offer shrimp and information about where the bears were** .. but they weren't. We went all the way into Aiken Cove (part of Niblack Cove) where the mountains were steep, sunlight was a little scarce and at times the channel was 14' deep and about 50' wide. I love to go into these deep holes. Someday I spoze I'll get bit and suffer hull dammage or grounding but so far I've been lucky. Our anchorage was extreemly small, dark and quiet. We drank one of our favorite wines under the stars (Malbec) and felt very special to have the experience. We expected to spend another day there exploring but incomming gales sent us home. We left at 7am and did'nt touch the throttle for 50 miles and about 8 hours. I hope you enjoy the pics.


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Great shots of fabulous country. We've done some of it by floatplane but can only hope that we can get our boat up there someday. Makes most of the rest of the world look pretty pathetic by comparison.......
Great report Eric. We hope to be traveling up next summer. When the time is near I'll contact you for some fist hand knowledge.

As usual, great pics and commentary!

I have done a little cruising in the Sea of Cortez, The Med and the Carribean but I have never found anything as beautiful & exciting as S.E. Alaska!



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Well when you come I hope I'll be here. Stay in touch and I'll make a point of it. Old Salt has been here and I think everywhere else as well. Much more information can be exchanged over the phone so go to the e-mail if you feel inclined.
Walt, the guy that owns Whalers Cove now owns my dads old house down near the store in Angoon. Thanks everyone for the comments.

Eric Henning

PS Does Norm Dibble still work at Pats?
nomadwilly wrote:

PS Does Norm Dibble still work at Pats?
No.* This was discussed the other week on the GB owners forum.* Norm retired awhile back and apparently spends all his time fishing now.* According to*a GB owner who was looking for an FL120 expert, Norm is not interested in doing consulting work or independent work on engines.

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