Flotation collar for dinghy

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Sep 6, 2012
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Gulfstar 36
I have about had it with my inflatable dinghy, but have had some bad experiences with hard dinghies not being very stable. A friend suggested a "floatation collar." Frankly, I have never heard of such an animal. Anyone have any experience with them? Do they do the job? I would prefer a hard dinghy if I can get into it from the swim platform without first taking a bath.
Walker Bay makes a hard dinghy (maybe two) to which an optional inflatable tube arrangement can be fitted around the gunnels. Have a look at their site to see how that works... Looks reasonable, on paper...

Walker Bay makes a hard dinghy (maybe two) to which an optional inflatable tube arrangement can be fitted around the gunnels. Have a look at their site to see how that works... Looks reasonable, on paper...


Actually, I was thinking of building a dinghy from a kit, mostly just for the experience, and was curious as to whether or not the flotation collars actually work as well as advertised.
Here's an aussie collar system. The videos of the tinny in the surf are quite astounding. I know this particular brand probably isn;t much good to a US resident, but at least you can see how a collar product performs.

One nice thing it will keep the hard hull of the dinghy from banging on your boat or when visiting other boats.
I did see an Aluminum skiff the owner had fatened small fenders , 3-4" dia, end to end all the way around. Sounds horrible but it didn't look bad at all.

or this, seems huge, Dinghy too tippy? Add Dinghy Dogs
Actually, I was thinking of building a dinghy from a kit, mostly just for the experience, and was curious as to whether or not the flotation collars actually work as well as advertised.
John you could buy my Walker Bay cheap and add the flotation collar:whistling:
So, what's wrong for you with a functional, plastic-tub Walker?
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I drilled holes near the gunnel of Algae and attached fenders along the sides. It's a low-cost alternative, and offers stability to my 7' hard dink. But it's not pretty. I suspect if you had newer, spiffier fenders yours will look much better than mine does.


For the record, I can stand inside (at the bottom) and the boat does not flip. It's always fun watching folks watch me -- waiting for the splash. Hasn't happened yet.

Oh yes, and when it rained and the dink fill to the gunnels, the boat did not sink. She would not have supported my weight though.
Been debating with myself to add flotation collars to my 8-foot Trinka. Having a poor sense of balance, think they would be beneficial. Thinking of contacting the manufacturer for its recommendation.
Janice's picture is like what I mentioned in post,#5
John you could buy my Walker Bay cheap and add the flotation collar:whistling:

Problem there is that I am in Florida, and you are in Tennessee. Now, I am going to be in Charleston, S.C. this weekend, with a U-Haul trailer (my sister is donating some furniture to my bachelor self to brighten up my doublewide) so if that resonates let me know. :)
Problem there is that I am in Florida, and you are in Tennessee. Now, I am going to be in Charleston, S.C. this weekend, with a U-Haul trailer (my sister is donating some furniture to my bachelor self to brighten up my doublewide) so if that resonates let me know. :)
At $350 it might be worth the extra miles.
I have about had it with my inflatable dinghy, but have had some bad experiences with hard dinghies not being very stable. A friend suggested a "floatation collar." Frankly, I have never heard of such an animal. Anyone have any experience with them? Do they do the job? I would prefer a hard dinghy if I can get into it from the swim platform without first taking a bath.

Have you tried a small RIB? To me a rib is very much like a small dinghy with an inflatable collar. I have both a small inflatable and a small Achilles RIB and there is no comparison in comfort and stability even though the RIB is just about the same size.

Here's an aussie collar system. The videos of the tinny in the surf are quite astounding.

Kapten Boat Collar - works like a hot damn! (Contacted them once by email about shipping, but a tad pricey to Canada for my frugal tastes)

Been debating with myself to add flotation collars to my 8-foot Trinka. Having a poor sense of balance, think they would be beneficial. Thinking of contacting the manufacturer for its recommendation.

Here's what the Mini-Coot needs.


BTW, I delivered that "package" to your boat. It's hidden under the towel in the cockpit.
We have an Eastport Pram built from a Chesapeake Light Craft Kit which we really like. It will transport me, my wife, and our dog, very satisfactorily. We row it instead of using a motor.

The boat was built by a friend.


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Actually, I was thinking of building a dinghy from a kit, mostly just for the experience, and was curious as to whether or not the flotation collars actually work as well as advertised.

Yep, didn't mean to suggest buying the WB hard dink -- although I tend to like 'em, in theory; the optional sailing rig looks like fun for passing some time at anchor.

But it might be that their attachment system -- and maybe even their collar -- could be fitted to whatever you end up with.

We shopped pretty hard on the 10' WB hard model, but I just couldn't make the beam work on our transom mount.... which already carries our dinghy aft in a cantilevered system. (Ended up with the WB Genesis RIB instead, which has many useful features of it's own.)

I have about had it with my inflatable dinghy, but have had some bad experiences with hard dinghies not being very stable. A friend suggested a "floatation collar." Frankly, I have never heard of such an animal. Anyone have any experience with them? Do they do the job? I would prefer a hard dinghy if I can get into it from the swim platform without first taking a bath.
these guys made collars for dinghies but I didn't see them lately...they even make tube for jet skis...

Specialty Product Line | Wing Inflatables
"Been debating with myself to add flotation collars to my 8-foot Trinka."

JW, What boat are you thinking of building? I'm a big fan of stitch and glue construction. It goes together fast and you are looking at something that looks like a boat in a few hours.
JW, What boat are you thinking of building? I'm a big fan of stitch and glue construction. It goes together fast and you are looking at something that looks like a boat in a few hours.

Don't have anything particular in mind right now, since I have not yet done any research on what is available. Never heard of the stitch and glue construction before. Any recommendations?
"Been debating with myself to add flotation collars to my 8-foot Trinka."

JW, What boat are you thinking of building? I'm a big fan of stitch and glue construction. It goes together fast and you are looking at something that looks like a boat in a few hours.
Mark I'm with HopCar on this. Please don't jack up the Trinka with some hooters.:eek:
JW, I've got a set of plans and the book for a 8' Nutshell Pram . It looks prenty simple with only one frame that has to be laminated .I think the plans were $75 from wooden boat .There also is a 10 ' version.
I have about had it with my inflatable dinghy,.................................. I would prefer a hard dinghy if I can get into it from the swim platform without first taking a bath.

Well, you can flip an inflatable too. I got into mine, put the puppy in, and my wife decided to slide off the swim platform onto the tube (the same one I was sitting on) instead of stepping into the center like she usually does.

Before I could say or do anything we were all in the water. Luckily, the dinghy didn't actually flip over so the motor and everything in the dinghy stayed out of the water. The puppy was wearing her DFD so she just started paddling.

We put the swim ladder down and climbed back onto the boat.
Not sure I understand what your problem is. I have two inflatable ribs, not sure I could successfully flip either one of them without extreme effort. Now, walking in one, I could easily go overboard, but that's a different kettle of fish best solved by good handholds with a center console and such, or weaver clips that are affixed before getting out.
JW, These guys are in Vero Beach Florida. They sell plans and precut plywood. I built their 14' canoe from the free plans. It is a good practice boat for stitch and glue construction. Just down load the free plans and read them. You'll get the idea how S & G construction works. You don't need to actually build the damn thing like I did. It is very tippy!

Free boat plans from Bateau

I visited their shop once and saw the quality of the precut panels. Looked very good.
Kapten Boat Collar - works like a hot damn! (Contacted them once by email about shipping, but a tad pricey to Canada for my frugal tastes)

Have any of the Aussie guys on here tried the Kapten Boat Collar? I'd like to use a tinnie (aluminium boat to the Americans) so I don't have to worry about dragging it over oysters.
Hi Brian,

I haven;t actually tried one yet, but based on the testimonials I've read and heard first hand (I live relatively close to this business and have seen a few at boat ramps etc.), I'm going to be fitting one to my 4.4m side console tinny in the next 12 months. The stability isn't an issue (although I'm sure it will be even better with the boat collar), I'll be fitting mine for spray mitigation. A front quarter wind make my sea jay a very wet little boat. From testimonials (again) it is very good at redirecting spray (it effectively becomes a huge spray chine).

Very interesting that he has branched out into hull design. The boat on his web site looks very good in the vids.
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