
The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
20 years there, you must know a lot the city, with cosmopolitan Unversity place, well famous for good Medecine.

tu es de dans quel coin sur MPL?
Je suis natif de cette ville et passer 20 ans là bas..

I stutied 5 years in Montpellier where I graduated as Doctor at the University of Pharmacy (Avenue Charles Flahault).

I trust you both know the place where this photo was taken (1970). :)


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Yes, we know well this place, La Grande Motte, I can imagine GB from Picture was new in 1970 ...

I know well canal du Midi my brother was renting house boat un Carnon during 30 years and I did lot of ferry for him.

I need to bring my kids for a week on house boat make tripe on Canal du Midi, can be full.
My boys are boat love we living all year long onboard of trawler in Caribbean since 10 years.

If you want a super deal on Memorquin go in Spain price are really really down at the moment.

My parents sent me pictures from thermometer yesterday from MPL 38,5C° HOT HOT

Have fun

I remember seeing one or two Menorquin boats at the Miami boat show in the mid to late 1990s they were very "fancy" versions with lots of wood trim the "fantail" at the stern was new to me. It was a move to market them in the US I don't know if they succeeded.
In the picture in post 26 it shows a point like a tiny "bulbous bow" what would the purpose of that be?
The boat in post 22 looks very nice, how long is it?
Good luck with your search! Please keep us informed.
I remember seeing one or two Menorquin boats at the Miami boat show in the mid to late 1990s they were very "fancy" versions with lots of wood trim the "fantail" at the stern was new to me. It was a move to market them in the US I don't know if they succeeded.
In the picture in post 26 it shows a point like a tiny "bulbous bow" what would the purpose of that be?
The boat in post 22 looks very nice, how long is it?
Good luck with your search! Please keep us informed.

Yes, bulbous bow. Supposed to increasing speed and fuel efficiency (very small size, marketing argument ?), it was quickly discontinued mainly due to its fragility and vulnerability in the event of collision with "dead heads" or grounding.
This article will tell you all about bulbous bows. Particularly interesting for us is why they're not seen on our smaller boats. No doubt Menorquin was trying to demonstrate to purchasers just how wonderful and up to date their weird boats are.
Yes, we know well this place, La Grande Motte, I can imagine GB from Picture was new in 1970 ...

I know well canal du Midi my brother was renting house boat un Carnon during 30 years and I did lot of ferry for him.

I need to bring my kids for a week on house boat make tripe on Canal du Midi, can be full.
My boys are boat love we living all year long onboard of trawler in Caribbean since 10 years.

If you want a super deal on Memorquin go in Spain price are really really down at the moment.

My parents sent me pictures from thermometer yesterday from MPL 38,5C° HOT HOT

Have fun


My family's first Grand Banks boat, a 42' Classic hull # 52, twin Ford Lehman 120 HP shipped from Junk Bay Hong Kong in late 1968. She was the second GB 42' delivered in Mediterranean.

Your yacht is stunning, love the drone pics, and the boat.
My family's first Grand Banks boat, a 42' Classic hull # 52, twin Ford Lehman 120 HP shipped from Junk Bay Hong Kong in late 1968. She was the second GB 42' delivered in Mediterranean.

Your yacht is stunning, love the drone pics, and the boat.

But tell me you still own this 42' from 1968 ?:confused:
We robbed the Terranova to Sardinia Island was build there :thumb:

But tell me you still own this 42' from 1968 ?:confused:
We robbed the Terranova to Sardinia Island was build there :thumb:


No, no. My family sold this boat in mid-1978.

Almost half a century after she was commissioned and extended cruising in the whole Mediterranean she is still strong and always on the job.

She came back on the market 2 years ago, quickly sold.
Whether we like Grand Banks or not, quality is there. I let you look at her 2014 pics (Broker's website).

Vente bateau Ã* moteur : photos détaillées

Is Terranova shipyard still in Pisa ?
Terranova Italian Yachts: Navette Yachts di Lusso

No, no. My family sold this boat in mid-1978.

Almost half a century after she was commissioned and extended cruising in the whole Mediterranean she is still strong and always on the job.

She came back on the market 2 years ago, quickly sold.
Whether we like Grand Banks or not, quality is there. I let you look at her 2014 pics (Broker's website).

Vente bateau Ã* moteur : photos détaillées

Is Terranova shipyard still in Pisa ?
Terranova Italian Yachts: Navette Yachts di Lusso


Nice boat look good, I love GB too, very mice looking boat and like you say high quality...

Terranova Yacht born in 2004 and first build boat in Crotone Italia, what very difficult with boatyard so they moved very quickly to Arbatax Sardinia, they made this choice because in Sardinia Italian gouvernent give grant and taxe facility to try to restore economy in Sardinia after they move to Porto Torres and finally "Terranova Yacht" don't survive to the crisis and made bankruptcy in 2009.

Last year some people bought mold of 68/85/115 and some hull unfinished and try to reborn the brand under the new name "Terranova Italian Yachts" and now like you say they are in Pisa, hope they boing to by success full :D
For now look like they don't sold any Yacht and looking for fist client, they now making Cannes boatshow ;)

Nice boat look good, I love GB too, very mice looking boat and like you say high quality...

Terranova Yacht born in 2004 and first build boat in Crotone Italia, what very difficult with boatyard so they moved very quickly to Arbatax Sardinia, they made this choice because in Sardinia Italian gouvernent give grant and taxe facility to try to restore economy in Sardinia after they move to Porto Torres and finally "Terranova Yacht" don't survive to the crisis and made bankruptcy in 2009.

Last year some people bought mold of 68/85/115 and some hull unfinished and try to reborn the brand under the new name "Terranova Italian Yachts" and now like you say they are in Pisa, hope they boing to by success full :D
For now look like they don't sold any Yacht and looking for fist client, they now making Cannes boatshow ;)


Merci Hugues

Very interesting, hopefully as well they would success Once again your yacht is stunning. Tomorrow I may have a tour at Cannes International Boat Show which is only 1 hour drive from my place, I will keep you posted.

Bon vent, mer calme

Merci Hugues

Very interesting, hopefully as well they would success Once again your yacht is stunning. Tomorrow I may have a tour at Cannes International Boat Show which is only 1 hour drive from my place, I will keep you posted.

Bon vent, mer calme


say hello to the team and send me picture from the stand, they may be have one boat to show go to see, you will love it..:thumb:
I would for sure !
Yes 1 yacht is there.

Someone in particular ?

I don't know the new team just be in contact by email...
They may be bring the 115' ???
I guess the price would be significantly extended as well ? :angel:

I know new T85 was sold for 4,2M€ before taxe in 2008 and I know the T115 form 2008 so used one are on market for 4,7M€.. so I can imagine around 6 or 7M€ expensive extension ...:D
Mission accomplie !

Sadly no Terranova yacht in Cannes Intl Boat Show this year. We talked for a long while, You are well know to the staff , they greet you.


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Mission accomplie !

Sadly no Terranova yacht in Cannes Intl Boat Show this year. We talked for a long while, You are well know to the staff , they greet you.

Nice, hope you had nice boatshow ...
I know, I'm the best fan and supporter from Terranova :angel:

bon weekend :thumb:

I really don't like the new logo form "Terranova Italian Yachts" look like Asiatic and I don't understand for Italian Yacht
I really don't like the new logo form "Terranova Italian Yachts" look like Asiatic and I don't understand for Italian Yacht

Salut Hugues. Terranova Italian Yachts' staff sent me a nice bag showing the shipyard mark (logo). When I opened the box, I thought the mark was the number 77 !
Anyway it was kind.
Salut Hugues. Terranova Italian Yachts' staff sent me a nice bag showing the shipyard mark (logo). When I opened the box, I thought the mark was the number 77 !
Anyway it was kind.

I'm going to Fort Lauderdale boat show (Miami) in 3 weeks, I'm going to meet them :)
I'm going to Fort Lauderdale boat show (Miami) in 3 weeks, I'm going to meet them :)

Yeah ! I know that they wanted very much to exhibit your beautiful yacht at FLIBS which was not possible for you, your children still in school :).

Fort Lauderdale as a well earned reputation as being the Yachting Capital of the World, you will love the event, I have been there twice.

Enjoy & say Hi to Siegfried !

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Three good choices for you...:flowers:

Nordic Tugs Motor Boats for sale UK, used Nordic Tugs Motor Boats, new Nordic Tugs motor boat sales, free photo ads - Apollo Duck

Here's an interesting site that helped me when I bought a Nordic Tug 37 in Germany for a couple of months ago. My idea to come sometimes on Board of the canals and, perhaps, the Mediterranean Sea ...:socool:

Nordic Tug 37 2007 SOLD | Marc Pilon

Good luck with the hunt!:thumb:

Looks good and nice sailor boats. Thanks for sharing.

Mediterranean sea is great :thumb:
Yeah ! I know that they wanted very much to exhibit your beautiful yacht at FLIBS which was not possible for you, your children still in school :).

Fort Lauderdale as a well earned reputation as being the Yachting Capital of the World, you will love the event, I have been there twice.

Enjoy & say Hi to Siegfried !


Nice meeting with new Terranova people :thumb:

First day at the show but rain rain rain :banghead: not nice, hope tomorrow no rain

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Your banghead wasn't banging 101tug, so I fixed. Hope that's ok. :)

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