A big Hello from Buffalo NY to the Forum

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May 27, 2015
Vessel Name
Wife of Reile
Vessel Make
Marine Trader 36 Dbl Cabin
Hi there everyone,
My wife and I have been sailors for years, logging thousand of miles on the Great Lakes, however, part of our long term plan is to do the Great Loop and in my opinion, that is best seen from a fly bridge about 10 feet off the water and a cooler with in arms reach... :)
We had been looking for trawlers for quite awhile and had driven quite a few miles in our quest but non were quite right, or they were perfectly perfect, and perfectly beyond our budget.
Fast forward to a month ago where I found a pretty sweet Marine Trader 36 Dbl cabin in relatively good condition up for sale about an hour away.
It hadn't been in the water for six years, it was shrink wrapped, but OMG was it in need of a good cleaning inside and out!
Well, we have spent the last month every weekend, holiday and spare minute, cleaning fuel tanks, fuel lines, filters, H2O tanks, oil change, filters, checking out all systems, new batteries, AND CLEANING....
Last week was the magic moment where we turned the key and YESSSS! it started... it sounded SO SWEET. I forgot to mention that we bought it with out a sea trial or starting the engine or anything.... Why would we do that you might ask? Because I knew that what ever it needed I could fix..
So, now the water tanks are 1/4 full, fuel is 1/4 full, New Zincs, and we are going to splash her Friday, if all is well, (I anticipate that it will be, Hah! Am I irrationally exhuberant?) off we go to bring her back to Buffalo, about a three hundred mile trip , 56 miles on Lake Ontario to Oswego, then two hundred and fifty miles through the NYS Canal system (Erie Canal) to Buffalo.
Well, I may not be the brightest crayon in the box but I do have the foresight to bring experienced crew members on this maiden voyage. An electronics engineer , in case our generator or charging sys has issues, and an owner of a 36 Grand Banks who knows trawlers inside and out.
So, this Friday we are going to splash her, sea trial her for a few hours, run the engine and check the cooling sys, stuffing box etc and if all is well, (fingers crossed) away we go !
So, here is where all of you on this forum come into the journey! I have spent hours here reading your posts, ( well not all of them) but I have learned SO MUCH from you. I want to say thank you for that! I learned about the countless things that would have taken years to find out through my own experience.
If I don't get abducted by aliens, I will let you know how the journey fares.
Yeah I know, it's not THAT big of a deal, but it is exciting on a new boat for us, that we know absolutely nothing about except that if it was aboard, we cleaned and oiled it.
Anywise, thanks for reading this, wish us luck, it's good to here and I'll check in when we get back !


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Congrats, Happy Trails, and GOOD LUCK! Oh yeah, Welcome Aboard!
Welcome aboard and good luck! Update us with pictures, we love pictures!!
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Congratulations on your new vessel! I hope you have a nice smooth, relaxing trip. I'll be cruising the canal between Oneida Lake and Buffalo for the first two weeks of June, myself. Maybe we'll see each other along the way :hello:

Where in Buffalo do you call home? I'm looking for a place to overnight in Tonawanda on the 10th. Any recommendations?
Welcome aboard and congrats on the boat! That first trip will always be remembered!
Happy trails and be safe!
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Hi Dave

Congratulations on your new vessel! I hope you have a nice smooth, relaxing trip. I'll be cruising the canal between Oneida Lake and Buffalo for the first two weeks of June, myself. Maybe we'll see each other along the way :hello:

Where in Buffalo do you call home? I'm looking for a place to overnight in Tonawanda on the 10th. Any recommendations?

Hi Dave! Thanks for the reply. We call home, at this time, Rich Marine. It's right on the Niagara River, the folks who run it are decent. We keep our sailboat at the First Buffalo River Marina, which is pretty much as far East as one can get on Lake Erie. Depending on what you would like to do on June 10th, I might recommend tying up downtown Buffalo, on the wall near the big gray battleship. Its not Tonawanda, but there is lots to do.
If you do not want to venture beyond Tonawanda, sometimes a spot is available on the wall. If you are looking for an actual marina then I have to be honest, I'm not that familiar with the marinas at that end of town but there are quite a few in the area within a mile or two. Feel free to call if you like, 716-725-1658.
X24 - which is short for Chris 2 4
BTW.. What is the name of your boat?
At the moment, mine is Lu-El
Mine's Wayfarer. I might just keep on trucking till I get to Downtown Buffalo, then. I've always wanted to tour the Little Rock and Sullivan's. I might as well tie up next to them and feel really, really small for a night.

Where are you starting your trip?
Congrats and have a nice trip we are out of LYC in Niagara Falls and run out 34 MTDC in the canal in the summers. We are still not in the water since we are in the process of replacing the rotted coring from our decks with Divinacell 80 foam coring but should be completed soon. We had a few friends at Riches in the past good people that run the place.
if all is well, (I anticipate that it will be, Hah! Am I irrationally exhuberant?) off we go to bring her back to Buffalo, about a three hundred mile trip , 56 miles on Lake Ontario to Oswego, then two hundred and fifty miles through the NYS Canal system (Erie Canal) to Buffalo.

We will know whether your exuberance is rewarded on Friday. Hopefully so. Just in case, do make sure you have tow insurance. It's just a necessity for all boats in my opinion and hopefully the best investment you never use.
Thumbs UP! :thumb:

Congrats. :dance:

Safe travels. :D

Wonderful boating-future to ya! :speed boat:

Cheers! - Art
Welcome X24! Good luck with the maiden voyage. It will be an adventure. Do not forget to get TOW INSURANCE. Don't ask me how I know.LOL
Back in Buffalo with the trawler

Wow Does time fly!
First, my apologies to all who replied to my original post!
What an exciting and busy summer we had. Yes we made it back with our (new to us) trawler. Not without some excitement but all is well.
After an hour into the maiden the voyage, the engine just up and quit running. After doing the usual diagnostics, such as fuel filter, electrical, fuel pump etc. we determined that the fuel lines must be clogged, and sure enough they were...
Now here we are in Lake Ontario about six miles from shore and a storm brewing on the horizon. Ah well.. long story short, we did a fix McGiver style with a long piece of wire I had on board and a dish soap squeeze bottle. I removed the fuel lines , Four of them. and ran the wire through each one, and then flushed each out with the dish soap bottle into a bucket until no more sludge washed out. Put er back together and she ran like charm ...
Until the I noticed the stuffing box was exceptionally hot.
I took out all of the old packing and replaced it with new and she ran much cooler but not where I would have liked it, never the less, we made it home and all is well.
So now we are in the process of replacing the depth finders, doing the bright work, replacing the stuffing box hose, a little bit of this and that, as you know, is required...
Anywise, I hope to stay in better communication in the future!
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays !


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Yes you are correct ! Thanks..
Wow Does time fly!

What an exciting and busy summer we had.

Welcome to TF...
I also missed the OP date and thought WOW canals are closed?!
Glad you were able to manage your way through initial challenges.
We're on Seneca Lake so let us know if you head to the Finger Lakes on any of your adventures.
Highly recommend the Rideau and Trent-Severn canal systems in Canada if you are looking for interesting cruises.

Good luck w/ the "new" trawler
Hello Bacchus

Seneca Lake. Right around a bunch of corners, we will be heading that way next Summer. We plan on spending some time in Alex Bay. It would be great if we can meet somewhere along the way!
Seneca Lake. Right around a bunch of corners, we will be heading that way next Summer. We plan on spending some time in Alex Bay. It would be great if we can meet somewhere along the way!

Keep in touch re: your plans... My brother used to keep his blow boat at small boat harbor before he moved it S to N Carolina.
Nor sure how familiar you are w/ ABay & area.
I've put some cruising notes on our boat website - feel free to check it out & ask any questions (link in my signature)...lots to see & do up that way...Don't miss Kingston and Rideau is another great trip.
So fun to read the word "Tonawanda" that I haven't heard in decades. I grew up there but left in 1967... I understand it is quite the changed place! Good luck with your journey and congratulations. I just went last week to view a 36 Marine Trader for sale on Lake MI... contemplating a long cruise to our slip in Key West--so your travels have enthused me even more.

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