how long to get registration back with covid?

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magna 6882

Apr 20, 2020
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
North Pacific/ NP-45 Hull 10
I bought a new boat and used a documentation service. I wired the funds for the boat to the manufacture direct and wired approximately 80k to the service provider who would pay the sales tax,wa state registration fees and the required coast guard registration paperwork. I received a letter stating all fees were paid and the boat was legal in the event we were stopped.
We have only taken the boat out once since i have concerns with liability and insurance exposure since i have no evidence of a title or ownership even though i have insurance.
We bought the boat end of June and signed all the paperwork July 2nd.
I bought a dingy and got the registration and state sticker in a week though we still are waiting for the title.
The service says the state is running way behind. Is the idea of coast guard registration slowing up the state registration?
Your thoughts?
The service comes highly recommended and the locals tell me not to worry about that part but still 80k is 80k.
I submitted a transfer to USCG JUNE 15 - Still waiting - web site says they just started working on those submittals last week. Alabama does not title boats so no problem with state registration.

BOS and copy of transfer application should satisfy any curious LEO. I wouldn't hesitate to run it!
Coast Guard documentation is always slow. Expect at least 3 months, and maybe as much as 6 months. Keep the letter saying the paperwork has been filed, and enjoy the boat. It's frustrating, but everyone who buys a documented boat has to deal with this. BTW, their web site tells you what weeks work they are currently processing so you can see what the backlog is.
They only appear to be running about a month behind, which is by far the shortest backlog I have ever seen.
I Is the idea of coast guard registration slowing up the state registration?
Your thoughts?

My guess is they are holding the 'package' until all paperwork is satisfied. Sending paperwork piecemeal would become an accounting nightmare as a result of tracking what has been delivered and what is outstanding. This is how things fall through the cracks. (i.e. you're pending USCG documentation, and their paperwork shows that it's (state reg) hs shipped and the transaction is closed (accidentally) as a result).
Thanks you guys. That helps. I was thinking they were separate process and the state was not connected to the CG
They are not connected, though state requirements are different if the boat is CG documented.


I believe the State requires a copy of the Certificate of Documentation to register a documented boat. That tells them not to issue a title. Now, I don't know if they accept the documentation having been applied for or not. I would assume they must or you couldn't register on time.
Great thread. Sent paperwork to USCG in early June along with 84 bucks.. They sent reply that more $$$ was needed, but unclear how much. Finally tracked down an answer on July 20 and they said $8. Sent it, have confirmation of transaction, but no document on Aug. 12. Sure hope they are better with rescues than bureaucratic paperwork.
My registration number and data came up on the state website.
One thing that is puzzling is the dingy number is WN4282SW and the boat is 00-9numbers.
I need to get an mmsi number and have a frn number but could not move forward without the resignation number. Do i use the state number or am i going to get another number from the coast guard?
Registration is state related, documentation is CG related. Two different things. The CG does not register the boat, the state does. When you get the MMSI you will use the documentation number. You may or may not have to display the registration sticker in Washington, I don’t know the state laws. BUT you do not display the state registration numbers on the hull. You do have to put the documentation numbers permanently on some interior portion of the boat. Check on numbers and name display requirements on the NVMS website. The CG usually takes months to process documentation paperwork but maybe with the virus they are getting caught up.
We just looked this up for WA in Ducatihottie's thread. As you say, WA state numbers/letters are not allowed to be displayed on a documented vessel, but they do require the registration sticker (squarish) be displayed.
The registration number i got from the state starts with 00-xxxxxxxxx
When i get to the part of the application to input either the state or coast guard number
I get a pop up that says a state number must start with two letters like WA followed by letters. It would seem that the state knows this will be a cg registered boat . Hopefully my number will be out shortly
The registration number i got from the state starts with 00-xxxxxxxxx
When i get to the part of the application to input either the state or coast guard number
I get a pop up that says a state number must start with two letters like WA followed by letters. It would seem that the state knows this will be a cg registered boat . Hopefully my number will be out shortly

This is applying for the FCC ships station license and MMSI? If so, they want the CG-issued official boat number. The 00-xxxx must be a dummy number issues by WA for documented boats because they are not allowed to issue state numbers for documented boats.

Getting an MMSI number can be a bit of a catch -22 on a new boat, as you are discovering. One trick I've used is to enter the hull identification number (HIN) instead of the CG number. That's the number engraved into the hull transom on the stbd side. That worked for me a few years ago.

Another possibility would be to contact the CG and ask if they have assigned the boat number yet. I've never tried it, but you can get them to assign a number even while the boat is still in build.
I received the paperwork from the state including the state decal. Since i had to resend some paperwork that was signed 7/2 i don't believe they got my paperwork until 8/2 so i have more time. The main thing is the state is taken care of.
So i have been watching my paperwork and tonight i see my packet has been scanned. Official Number: 1307146 Vessel Name: INTREPID HIN:
Hull Number: YDO45010A920 Work Item Type: Initial Application File Date: Monday, August 3, 2020

Can i use this official number for my mmi or is it going to change as they process the paperwork on there end? Thoughts?
Got my paperwork last week and ordered a number plate.:)
Wonders never cease - my docs came in this week - 1 year -2 months $92 and several phone calls, emails and faxes.

Lessons learned:

1) there are at least two fees involved! Registration transfer - $85 and filing fee -$ 7.00 for 3 years. $92 total for three years (Same as Al state registration - fwiw). Paper work is trivial but must be accurate. (standard Guberment practice to assume nothing)

2) Always call on the 800 number (not direct) the menu's are different and you can get to the human clerk handling your file. (3 levels down in the menu options) Call early on a Monday or Tuesday. If you leave a message they will generally call you back within a day or two - but phone tag is the norm. Leave your questions in the message if you can.

3) Offering to call your Congressman to get them more help - will get their attention. Ask for CO's or base commander's number so Congressman will know who to call with money. (Won't get it - but I have my ways!) Don't execute this nuclear option if less than 6 months - they are trying and short handed due to budget cuts (not Covid necessarily). after you get your doc's back, THEN call your congressman, brag on them and ask for more money! Faxes to congressional local and DC offices usually work better than phone calls -"Covid". Thank you notes to the CO also work. Boarding party stopped the inspection of my son's boat (drugs & guns) when NCO recognized last name from a note to CO Fort Lauderdale sector last year. - Nice is always better than raisin hell - last resort.

4) USCG Outgoing mail room makes mistakes - CALL and check with your clerk at least monthly. Pay no attention to "status report" on the web it just updates nightly which indicates the paper work is still in the building - no info on movement thru the system.

Oh - and any time you hear on the radio CG is out doing inspection - fly your "Hug a Coastie today" Burgee - smiles all round!!:thumb:
The documentation center isn't manned by coasties, but bureaucrats. They don't give a damn if you call your congressman or if you are a congress man. They're bureaucrats, federal workers and nearly impossible to fire.
The problem was probably with the registration service. They're usually slow at getting the papers prepared and sent in.

When I transfer, I go to the nearest CG office and get final papers in a few weeks. When I renew, I do it online. Papers usually come within a month.
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