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For Sale: GRAND BANKS table

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 12, 2007
I have what I am told an origional GB TEAK table from the GB woody era.

It is just over 2 ft square , and flaps hinge open another 1 ft on either side to about 4ft x 2 ft.

When open the surface is white Formica inset in teak.

The table is mounted on a modern aluminum seat pedestal that goes up and down with an air spring , rotates 360 deg

The sea slide mechanisms have been modified to allow the table to slide with the touch of a lever.

I am putting a dinette into my coach and am undecided weather to build a table or install this , rescued from our last coach when it was sold.

It is splendid , and perhaps there is a GB owner that is looking to restore his pride and joy.

Located in CT till Nov , and could be brought to FL after that.

Its is true a piece of art work , and history and priced as such $750. Complete , ready to bolt down.

If this notice could be stuck on the GB board , perhaps there would be some one interested. TIA

I could post a photo , mid week when the computer guru, the bride , returns.
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FF, I'm planning on building a new table for our GB with most of the features you describe. Sounds like yours may be just what we're after but shipping would be insanely expensive to my part of the world. Wonder if you could post or email me some detail pics? - Boyd
I will pos photos , as I can, after my computer guru returns.

The post and base detach and could be boxed , the table it self is flat 3-4 inches thick so could go in another box.

What customs duty would be involved I have no idea.
Took measurements and the table is 25 1/2 inches square.
With both flaps open the size becomes 51 1/4 wide , one flap and its 38 1/2 wide

The pedestal is very robust and in the down position the table is 18 inches high in the up position 31 inches., an air spring assists when raising

The seat portion of the mount will allow the table top to slide from side to side ,and locks every half inch or so.

The table could be shipped as two pieces , the pedestal and the top , I can check with UPS if you have a postal or zip code.Could also ship to somewhere nearby in the USA if that works.


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Has anyone been able to post or link this on the GB site?

Might be more interest there than here.

Thanks Mucho!
Built a new table for out bus conversion , so price reduced to ,

$ 600. US.
I am now in Middletown CT, 06457 , so shipping or pickup in the NE would be easier.

I have reduced the price to $500 which includes the very strong adjustable helm seat style pedestal.
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That is the so-called hi-lo table that GB used for many years before switching to the so-called yacht table. Someone has modified yours with a different pedastal. Normally it has two telescoping legs. The table fits inside the L-settee on the starboard side of the boat. It can be lowered to rest on a ledge on the outside of the L-settee base in its open position. This turns the L-settee into a berth.

Our GB36 still has its original hi-lo table. I don't know which other GB models used this same table. A lot of owners change the hi-lo table for the later and more modern looking yacht table.
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"Normally it has two telescoping legs."

When I got it there were no legs , so I modified 2 sets of seat slides so it could be slid a good distance , as well as rotated or raised and lowered.

In our motor home it could serve 4 , as dinette table (2 fore and aft) or be stretched over to serve 2 more across the isle .

The ability to lift a flap meant the cook could have full run of the interior.

Too nice to simply chop up for the nice Teak it was made with.

Disassembled it takes up little room , so eventually someone will have a need for a piece of real joinerwork.
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This is what the table looks like in a GB36. Photo is from the sales brochure for the first fiberglass GB36s.


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I think that is a different table , it does not look like it folds .

It looks like a piece of ply with some Formica as a top with teak trim.
I think that is a different table , it does not look like it folds .

It looks like a piece of ply with some Formica as a top with teak trim.

Yes, it does fold exactly like your table because it's the same table. In the photo it's opened up. In this photo which is from the same brochure, it's folded.


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