Dockwa Experiences

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Jul 8, 2013
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Albin 43 Sundeck
It's been a little while since I read horror stories about the Dockwa way to reserve a slip.

We are on the inland rivers, on our Loop, and a marina where we'd like to stop for distance considerations, wants us to use Dockwa to reserve a slip.

As I said, I've heard horror stories.

The owner says we have a week to cancel, if we arrive late he'll slide the time frame and he's reducing the monthly fee which he says he'll adjust.

Anyone have any input?
Do yourself a favor, if possible, talk to the dock master about a slip assignment. After agreeing to a slip then use Dockwa to pay for it. If you don’t, you are held hostage waiting for a confirmation. Some places are quick to respond. Others not so much.
A good example is Carolina Beach Mooring field. We put in a request on thanksgiving day. It was approved twenty minutes later. A bad example is called a marina for a slip for a week resv. Reply from the marina office? Sorry “The Dockwa Guy “ is off today.
I used it at Hoonah, the only place in Southeast AK that uses it and the answer was pretty quick from the Harbormaster. The big advantage is paying on line. The only other place I have seen to pay on line is Thorne Bay (not through Dockwa), but it is painfully slow and the harbormaster has to take your word that you paid on line since he wasn't in the loop the last time we used it.
I've used Dockwa several times over the last few years. I've never had an issue. But then again, I've also never heard about any 'nightmare's' either.

Is your source legitimate, or is this "I heard a guy once complain about problems."? I know people that don't like bacon, or Star Wars. I wouldn't hold any one persons opinion too closely.
No issues with Dockwa, we usually get a quick response.
I haven't had any issues with Dockwa. As others have said, it sometimes takes a while to get back to you, but I'll generally call the place first so they at least know to look for my reservation. I've only had to cancel once because I reserved a spot at Herrington harbor South instead of North, but they straightened it out over the phone easy peasy.
We have used Dockwa often cruising the Chesapeake without any problems securing a slip or mooring. The responses from marinas have always been within 24hrs. In most cases I have spoken with marina personnel first, then secured reservation thru Dockwa.
Whatever quirks it has is more than made up for by not having to spell everything out every time.... So far so good.
I call a PNW marina for a slip and she said they use Dockwa now and to use the app. I asked if she could give me a slip since I had her on the phone and she refused. So I downloaded the app, set up an account, made a reservation, paid for it, and headed for the marina. I waited for a slip assignment until outside of the marina, nothing. So I called the marina again, explained the predicament, and she assigned me a slip. What a waste of time. I hope I never need to use dockwa again.
It would be nice if Dockwa were a reservation system. But, it isn't, I don't think. I think it is a /directory/, /request/ and /payment/ system.

I think it does okay when viewed as a way to search a directory of adverts for marinas, document in writing the details of a request to a marina, get a response back in writing, and pay.

I don't think it does well to help find availability, learn about local conditions, get slip assignments, learn about how to access amenities or learn about Approaches, etc.

All comes down to expectations, I suspect.
We’ve used Dockwa over 80 times and couldn’t be happier. There have been a couple system snags that Dockwa cleared up quickly. Once we did not get a timely response from a marina and a message to Dockwa got a response immediately. Most times the response is from a couple minutes to a couple hours. Once we were declined our preferred night and the marina emailed us suggesting alternative nights. We’ve canceled and rescheduled reservations with zero drama.

We can send and get messages from the marina for details, slip or mooring assignments, gate codes, etc. And if we still need to we can always call and get the special handholding that some think they need. There are times when a marina may grey out dates but, when you bring up the marina’s calendar you can in fact find open dates to make reservations. I don’t understand how this isn’t a reservation system and I never expected nor think it was intended to replace a cruising guide. We cruise full time between Maine and the Keys and most often we make a reservation no more than a day or two in advance. That’s not always possible with busy destination places but we generally avoid them in season anyway.
We’ve used Dockwa over 80 times and couldn’t be happier. There have been a couple system snags that Dockwa cleared up quickly. Once we did not get a timely response from a marina and a message to Dockwa got a response immediately. Most times the response is from a couple minutes to a couple hours. Once we were declined our preferred night and the marina emailed us suggesting alternative nights. We’ve canceled and rescheduled reservations with zero drama.

We can send and get messages from the marina for details, slip or mooring assignments, gate codes, etc. And if we still need to we can always call and get the special handholding that some think they need. There are times when a marina may grey out dates but, when you bring up the marina’s calendar you can in fact find open dates to make reservations. I don’t understand how this isn’t a reservation system and I never expected nor think it was intended to replace a cruising guide. We cruise full time between Maine and the Keys and most often we make a reservation no more than a day or two in advance. That’s not always possible with busy destination places but we generally avoid them in season anyway.

I have not had your luck with it knowing availability, have had requests disappear into the ether, and havebhad to call tonsort things out. Just a thought depends how the marina is using it.
In most cases I have spoken with marina personnel first, then secured reservation thru Dockwa.

I think this is the trick to get the best of both worlds.

Whatever quirks it has is more than made up for by not having to spell everything out every time.... So far so good.

I sort-of agree. You enter name and boat information once, and don't have to repeat it as often. But there's still value in calling. Verify cancellation policies, ask about local facilities and information, discuss preferences, and generally get answers to questions you didn't even know you might have.

There have been a couple system snags that Dockwa cleared up quickly. ... Once we were declined our preferred night and the marina emailed us suggesting alternative nights. We’ve canceled and rescheduled reservations with zero drama.

This is entirely dependent on how well the marina staff has integrated Dockwa into their daily routine. Some live and die by it, and use all the features. Some view it as no more than a payment system and rarely even look at it during the workday.

Good to hear cancellations worked out for you. That's probably the biggest "horror story" I've heard. Likewise same-day reservations, which is what I'd normally be doing.

To me, Dockwa has always seemed ideal for those who make long-term plans. If you want to schedule your two-week vacation in a resort marina six months in advance, it's probably great.

Looking for a spot for tonight, I'd still call first and pay with Dockwa after speaking to someone who actually knows what's going on at the marina.
I have not had your luck with it knowing availability, have had requests disappear into the ether, and havebhad to call tonsort things out. Just a thought depends how the marina is using it.

Agreed. Even without Dockwa, I’ve dealt with marinas that that didn’t answer the phone or radio or return calls after having left a message. A regular stop for us “manages” like that and we’ve given up contacting them all together. We pull in, tie up to the transient dock, go to the office and say we’re here and for how long. Oddly, they don’t seem to think there’s anything wrong.

When we contacted Dockwa about a non-response we weren’t sure if it was the marina or the system. It was the marina. Dockwa told us that poor marina customer service reflects badly on Dockwa and they’ll terminate their relationship with a habitually unresponsive marina.
Happy with it. Have had few experiences where there might have been a learning curve at the marina but overall happy. Much better than the old fashioned phone call.
To me, Dockwa has always seemed ideal for those who make long-term plans. If you want to schedule your two-week vacation in a resort marina six months in advance, it's probably great.

We rarely use it that way but almost always schedule from 0-2 days in advance for a night or two. From our own experience we find it just as perfectly suited for short notice reservations based on weather and whim.
We've used Dockwa dozens of time in the Chesapeake region. In one case, Dockwa contacted me saying the marina had not yet responded to the request in the 24 hour timeframe. Eventually the marina responded. Very happy and had no bad experiences.
I love Dockwa. I just wish all marinas were on the system. That is my only complaint.

But yes, I always call ahead as well especially to smaller marinas that are just getting the hang of it.
Dockwa nightmares

I have had very difficult experiences with dockwa. I was looking for a monthly rate on the southeast coast of Florida for January. The dockwa app only calculates the rates at a daily, so for the dates I requested they quoted something around $3000. Maybe a single overnight or a couple of days and the app works. I have never been able to make any reservations without being tortured and will make every effort to not use them.
I'm just not a fan of middlemen. Don't like Dockwa, Reserve America, Cruise America, Home Away, Air B&B.

The middlemen rarely know the details and often miss something. And why should I have to call twice... once for the reservation and a second time to get hours, fuel price, slip, and which side tie, etc.

And it's more expensive. Someone has to pay for it.

I still use them because often there's no choice but don't like them. And yes, have had problems.
I only have one experience with dockwa and it would fall into the "fail" category. Last month I contacted the Harbor Master in Port of Everett, WA for a reservation. I was told that I had to make my reservation through dockwa. I asked her if she could at least tell me if they had any vacancies for my time frame. I was told that she couldn't tell me that, that I needed to go through dockwa. So I went on dockwa, signed up, registered, was fingerprinted, blood typed, retina scanned and all the other stuff to prove that I was a real person including boat type, length, draft, number of heads, and color code of the paint used in the forward head before I could proceed to reservations. I went to reservations, entered my information for the dates(s) requested, only to be told that there were no vacancies, and to contact the marina directly . . . . so I called the marina, and spoke to the marina manager, who said they had vacancies, but I needed to reserve through dockwa . . . .:banghead: I explained that dockwa didn't SHOW any vacancies, so I could hardly reserve a slip that the website didn't say was available. :confused: The marina manager checked, said they had vacancies, and she didn't understand why dockwa didn't show any vacancies. I asked her if I could just reserve through her, since I had her on the phone . . . . and she said that I had to reserve through dockwa . . . :facepalm:ARRRRRGGGHHHHH!

She reiterated that she couldn't reserve a slip for us that she showed was open for dates I required it, so I needed to reserve through dockwa, even though I couldn't do that since dockwa didn't show an open slip.:nonono:
She did give me the option of just showing up, and hoping that there was still a slip available on a first come, first serve basis . . . . we did indeed show up on the day desired, dropped off some pax, but decided we didn't really want to patronize their establishment, so we continued on to our next destination.
So, to wrap it up, our one and only experience so far with dockwa, and with Port of Everett Marina left us, shall we say somewhat underwhelmed . . .
Others have stated differing experiences, and I'm glad that they were able to get good service, but our personal experience was not the same as theirs.
I think this is the trick to get the best of both worlds.

I sort-of agree. You enter name and boat information once, and don't have to repeat it as often.

This is entirely dependent on how well the marina staff has integrated Dockwa into their daily routine. Some live and die by it, and use all the features. Some view it as no more than a payment system and rarely even look at it during the workday.

To me, Dockwa has always seemed ideal for those who make long-term plans. If you want to schedule your two-week vacation in a resort marina six months in advance, it's probably great.

Looking for a spot for tonight, I'd still call first and pay with Dockwa after speaking to someone who actually knows what's going on at the marina.

Yep all depends on how the marina integrates Dockwa. I am not sure I would use it for a 6 mos. in advance, 2 week booking-it seems best suited for contemporary transient reservations. Personally I like it. All the info is there (including Boat US discount info) rather than repeating it by phone or VHF. over wind/engine noise. I always put in the reservation on Dockwa first usually the day of, or 1-2 days prior. If I don't get a timely response, I call. In my experience, if I call first - especially resort marinas are clueless and the dockmaster is "busy on the docks" and can't take my call to give specific answers. Of course, he/she doesn't call back if you leave a message either.
I wish more marinas use it as it was intended. I have no issues with refunds and messaging via the Dockwa app seems to work well-again for those places that have incorporated those features.
Hi guys,
I've used Dockwa many, many times in the northeast with no complaints. Makes things much easier and I don't have to give my credit card info to whoever happens to be working the marina office that day. Much more secure.
Only issue with Dockwa was getting a slip we didn’t really fit in at a marina that really couldn’t handle a boat our size. All ended well, but if we go back to Falmouth we’ll deal directly with the larger marina that isn’t in the Dockwa system.
Honestly, the issues posted are really on the Marina, not Dockwa. Dockwa only shows availability based on what is reported by the marina. Frequently, as with Expedia, Trivago, etc. some only release a limited number of slips, rooms, seats, etc. to the booking company. This is so they can accommodate requests to extend stays due to weather, mechanical, or just having too much fun. Other reasons are leaving slips open for emergency use like when BoatUS or Sea Tow has to dock someone who simply can't get home.

The delayed responses are on the part of the marina, not dockwa. If the marina isn't responding, then decide to push-on or move-on.
Honestly, the issues posted are really on the Marina, not Dockwa. Dockwa only shows availability based on what is reported by the marina. Frequently, as with Expedia, Trivago, etc. some only release a limited number of slips, rooms, seats, etc. to the booking company. This is so they can accommodate requests to extend stays due to weather, mechanical, or just having too much fun. Other reasons are leaving slips open for emergency use like when BoatUS or Sea Tow has to dock someone who simply can't get home.

The delayed responses are on the part of the marina, not dockwa. If the marina isn't responding, then decide to push-on or move-on.

I am not sure this is correct. Dockwa isn’t a third party selling slip reservations such as
Expedia. They are just a booking software interface between you & the Marina.
Personally, I love it, I have made & cancelled (& received prompt refunds) for slip reservations many times with it. It is my preferred method since all my contact, payment & boat info plus Boat US details are embedded in the request. No shouting over wind noise/VHF chatter etc.
Most marinas respond promptly. A few don’t (just like many don’t answer their phone or VHF hailing).
For those marinas that are responsive, the messaging function is very convenient since it is linked to the vessel & slip reservation.
I am not sure this is correct. Dockwa isn’t a third party selling slip reservations such as
Expedia. They are just a booking software interface between you & the Marina.
Personally, I love it, I have made & cancelled (& received prompt refunds) for slip reservations many times with it. It is my preferred method since all my contact, payment & boat info plus Boat US details are embedded in the request. No shouting over wind noise/VHF chatter etc.
Most marinas respond promptly. A few don’t (just like many don’t answer their phone or VHF hailing).
For those marinas that are responsive, the messaging function is very convenient since it is linked to the vessel & slip reservation.

Same experience here. :thumb:
My first choice is to call the marina directly. If that doesn't work, I use Dockwa.

My only complaint with using Dockwa is, you make a reservation and your credit card is charged right then. Now if you have to cancel that reservation, you have to get a refund and hope that happens.

Dealing directly with a marina, your credit card is not charged until you hand it to the dockmaster. Cancel a reservation and there is no need for a refund because your card was never charged in the first place.
Honestly, the issues posted are really on the Marina, not Dockwa. Dockwa only shows availability based on what is reported by the marina. Frequently, as with Expedia, Trivago, etc. some only release a limited number of slips, rooms, seats, etc. to the booking company. This is so they can accommodate requests to extend stays due to weather, mechanical, or just having too much fun. Other reasons are leaving slips open for emergency use like when BoatUS or Sea Tow has to dock someone who simply can't get home.

The delayed responses are on the part of the marina, not dockwa. If the marina isn't responding, then decide to push-on or move-on.

Well, if the marina can't get the info to Dockwa, you just might get the same misinformation directly from the marina, so how does Dockwa improve that.

However, when you deal with Dockwa, they NEVER know details about the marina that could be important. They ain't there!

I've had MUCH better experiences dealing directly with whom I'm doing business with, hotels, houses, cars, slips, campsites, etc., etc.

FWIW, the State of Florida kicked Reserve America out because of the complaints.
Totally depends on the Marina, not Dockwa. For Marina's that use Dockwa extensively, including managing their occupancy it's great. I find it very easy to plug in my dates, get and exact quote of cost a request a reservation. Usually hear back immediately, like within the hour. Sometimes it takes overnight.

But for some marinas it's nothing more than an email and payment system and you're better served calling them directly to sort plans and then simply process it thru Dockwa.

As to the app, it works great, was easy to sign up and makes paying pretty simple. Just got back from a week long cruise to 4 different destinations. Of the 4, I reserved space via Dockwa at 3. 2 of them I did months in advance and one I did about 3 hours ahead of arrival.

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