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Jan 9, 2022
Greetings. I am new here so kindly bear patience with a senior with limited tech literacy. I am in search of owner information with which to contact a particular vessel (actually three of them) for the purpose of contacting to see if said vessel might be purchased. I have USCG Doc #'s and names of the boats, though they may of now changed. I've been to the USCG PSIX page but all it seems to be useful for is to verify the documentation as active. Am wondering if I need to employ the services of some sort of boat detective but I have never heard of such. In this 'info age' the information I require must be out there. Thanks for any assist.
Owner info used to be available but more recently USCG purged all that in favor of privacy concerns.

Google "find owner of documented boat". You will see a few ads that apparently will do it for a fee. Don't have any idea if it really works.

This data used to be available to anyone on a USCG or Fisheries web site. It was discontinued due to privacy concerns.

A year or so before my Willard 36 was listed for sale, I saw her on the docks in Emeryville CA (near Oakland). I left a note on her asking owner to contact me if interested in selling. I never heard from them but saw the boat was for sale via a broker. Rest is history. (1998 or so).

If the vessel you are interested in is in a marina, stop by the harbormaster office and indicate your interest. Chances are they won't give you the owners contact information, but would be happy to forward your information to the owner.

Don't give up. If not for sale today, might be in 6-months. As moderator of the Willard Boat Owners Group, I can tell you that patience and tenacity are a virtue.

Good luck.


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