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Nov 7, 2020
Hello Everyone!

Thank you for allowing me to be a member.

Looking forward to learn with you all.

My interest is to understand the ways to select a sound design to build a trawler here in Brazil.

I have googled some sites and saw thay there are many options avaliable, but not sure to what size and material should the boat have, and the building methods available.

I got an initial interest on the stock designs with cutting cad files, but could not find anything with a more modern look.

All suggestions are very welcome...

Thank you!

Rodrigo Gazen
Porto Alegre
Hi Rodrigo, and welcome aboard the forum.
Personally, I cannot offer any help as I am not at all familiar with what boats are built in Brazil, or even what boats may be available there.
Posting some photos of boats that appear to interest you , may help some other members here when offering advice.
Good luck.
Hi Rodrigo, and welcome aboard the forum.
Personally, I cannot offer any help as I am not at all familiar with what boats are built in Brazil, or even what boats may be available there.
Posting some photos of boats that appear to interest you , may help some other members here when offering advice.
Good luck.

Hello Tom!

Thank you for the welcome words!

Attached is a picture of a boat I think looks beautiful...

Best Regards,



  • D3A58B85-FC96-4929-AD55-35A551FBA45E.jpg
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I did a little Google Earth tour of the Porto Alegre area. Assuming that will be your home port, it would appear that you have an extensive amount of inland/bay water in Lagoa dos Patos in which to cruise. And it looks like a viable outlet to sea exists about 140 miles south of Porto Alegre which could allow you to run down the coast southward 120 more miles to enter the extensive waters of Lagoa Mirim along the Uruguay border. Are these the waters of intended use?
Your picture proves the old adage, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I am more of a traditional boater and find nothing more eye pleasing than an old Chris Craft or a more modern trawler, like my Albin.

I guess I just don't appreciate the newer designs, especially the Italian versions.

I did a little Google Earth tour of the Porto Alegre area. Assuming that will be your home port, it would appear that you have an extensive amount of inland/bay water in Lagoa dos Patos in which to cruise. And it looks like a viable outlet to sea exists about 140 miles south of Porto Alegre which could allow you to run down the coast southward 120 more miles to enter the extensive waters of Lagoa Mirim along the Uruguay border. Are these the waters of intended use?

Dear Rich,

Yes, these are the waters I could navigate, plus heading up to North to Florianópolis.

Thank you,

Your picture proves the old adage, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I am more of a traditional boater and find nothing more eye pleasing than an old Chris Craft or a more modern trawler, like my Albin.

I guess I just don't appreciate the newer designs, especially the Italian versions.


Hi Pete,

I actually like the vintage look on boats, but my preference if building a new boat would be a more contemporary look.

Best Regards,

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