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Capt. Waldo

Jan 15, 2013
Captain Waldo here.
Maggie and I are recently retired, and looking for our dream trawler.
After a year of research, we've tentatively settled on the Heritage East 36
with single Perkins Diesel and bow thruster. We will be primarily cruising in the Florida Keys and Bahamas. Would like to hear from Heritage owners about their experiences with the boat.
Welcome aboard from Miami! Sorry I can't help you with the boat info.
When you get ready to come south maybe I can help you with some local knowledge.
Welcome aboard. We sincerely hope that you and Maggie will be frequent contributors to this forum. Oh, and also welcome to retirement. Not near as bad as it is made out to be. Especially if you have something to keep you busy, and both the dream trawler and just looking for it will do just that! Just one word of advice, and worth every cent that it costs. Spend a lot of time looking, because there are an awful lot of very good buys out there right now!

Welcome Captain, good boat hunting, I can't help a lot with a Heritage East either! I will be retiring soon as well but no where near Florida and our water is too hard to boat on this time of year so we just go ice fishing.


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The Heritage East 36 could be a nice cruising boat. Now that you're retired, I think John (above) has a very good suggestion. I guarantee there are nicer boats and a better value out there if you can search for it. Speaking for myself, it was half the fun, and I learned so much more about boats doing it. Don't wait till you have your boat to start having fun. Start now and make it fun.

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