First Trawler

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Rick White

Jun 14, 2017
Hello everyone, new here, need some advice please.
I live in the Philippines and own a Prout Snowgoose Cat.
I'm looking to sell my boat and buy my first Motor Trawler, budget is 350k dollars.
I plan to cruise around Asia then further around Australia, Polynesia and then circumnavigate in time of course.
I need something that can handle any seas and above all is comfortable to live aboard.
Nordhavn seem to get a lot of good press but seem expensive is there anything else out there that can do the same job.
Selene maybe but I hear they don't handle big seas.
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone, new here, need some advice please.
I live in the Philippines and own a Prout Snowgoose Cat.
I'm looking to sell my boat and buy my first Motor Trawler, budget is 350k dollars.
I plan to cruise around Asia then further around Australia, Polynesia and then circumnavigate in time of course.
I need something that can handle any seas and above all is comfortable to live aboard.
Nordhavn seem to get a lot of good press but seem expensive is there anything else out there that can do the same job.
Selene maybe but I hear they don't handle big seas.
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

For that budget and that travel plan, get a sailboat.
You could afford one of the original Nordhavn 43s for that budget. Would be my first choice. None available on Yachtworld now, but I have seen them in that price range.

A Selene has the tankage and range, but I too wonder about stability. Also probably outside your price range.

You could get a very nice Krogen 42 for that money and maybe a newer 38. You would probably need to look into window covers to handle a big slug of water over the bow but stability should be fine.

And a Diesel Duck should be in your price range. Lots of variations in system installation though.

Thanks I was also thinking of the N43.
I'll look at the Kadey Krogen 42, reliability and build quality are very important I'm not familiar with this boat.
For that budget and that travel plan, get a sailboat.

Double down on that. Maybe an older used Amel or something like that. A Nordhaven will do it but as you noted expensive to buy and run. The sailing craft will be less expensive and at no additional cost safer.
A nordhavn 46 would be another option, and should be available in that price range, or close to it.

One difference between a Nordhavn and. Krogan is that Ns are crossing oceans all the time. Pretty much every day of the year one is making a crossing somewhere in the world. With Ks it happens occasionally, and is a celebrated accomplishment. Our own Richard Is a great example of someone who has taken a K where few others have gone. I'm not sure how to interpret the difference in use patterns. Is it the boats? Or is it the people who gravitate towards one or the other? I really don't know.
I have to admit to a reading fail. When I read the OPs post, I misread the "350K" as "35k". My apologies.

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