Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated :)

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Pau Hana

Commercial Member
Aug 29, 2012
Good Ol' US of A!
Vessel Name
Pau Hana
Vessel Make
1989 PT52 Overseas Yachtfisher
Hola, all!

I've been away for a bit on a self imposed sabbatical, and am glad to be back amongst the TF madness. Had to get away from it all (social media, multiple internet forums, etc) and reconnect with family and friends...

Not that anybody missed me too much :D
Welcome back Peter. Lots of PC's take some time off after their Commodore year to regroup. See you on 0 dock. Tim
We all appreciate you insight on the insurance industry.
Haven’t even see you on the dock lately. Then again as cold and wet as it’s been haven’t seen much of anyone.
Were you gone? Just kidding. Welcome back. Always nice to have another expert in the ranks to keep all of us honest.
We have family and friends?:facepalm:

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