Interesting boats

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A few weeks ago at the Orwell Quay in Ipswich.

A GB with a wood house?


Nice teak decks!

I see some long and narrow in those pics. The UK has much higher fuel tax. I think gas is about $8 a gallon ..... what is it you're there.

Love those pics. Character in all the boats I see.
That 3rd photo gets my juices flowing...

For sure, this one would have to get Marin and Eric's juices flowing (gastric juices, that is). In honor of Marin, I would title this one "too much of a good thing". It's interesting that Litton Universal took their 41' model to this extreme of forward raked features. The majority of these models seemed to have ended up in the PNW where the forward-raked look is most appreciated.;);) No Photo-Shopping here.


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Looks kinda stupid to me. I'm w Marin on this one .... not particularly the slanted fwd windows but this boat. It looks like it's trying to imitate an attack dog or Cougar. Or perhaps the front end of a big Manta Ray. May be better looking than the boat I designed though. Even too much sex can be bad. Did I say that?
I posted this sailboat in the Delta thread but felt it interesting enough to warrant a show here as well. This woody has been to the South Pacific and back several times in its life and looks like a piece of furniture to boot. A real labor of love as the owner would probably never recoup the cost of 2 years maintenance if he ever sells it.


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This woody has a retractable hard top and inboard power. About 23' long 2 slips down from me.


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I see some long and narrow in those pics. The UK has much higher fuel tax. I think gas is about $8 a gallon ..... what is it you're there.

Love those pics. Character in all the boats I see.

Yup, gasoline is right about $7.99/gal depending on where you get it. We are at the end of a 2 year assignment with my company. We'll be back in the PNW in July!!
We've had a fantastic time but it'll be good to be home. My son will be getting married in August....on the Virgina V.

Welcome to the Virginia V
Wonderful D,

Glad your'e coming back.

I went on the Virginia B after the HS Prom.

Must have cost several fortunes to rebuild her.

Take some more pics.

Craig that runabout looks like a Century Coronado. But no I see it's a FG descendant of some sort.
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Spot on twice Eric. That little cabin cruiser I've admired is a Richardson and the runabout is a Century Coronado. Can't get much past you.

Below is the name plate from the Richardson and a couple close ups of the Century.


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This vessel brought many boxes of frozen fish to our ship:

Looks like you've found a purpose built boat. Could haul more fish w/o that house though.

Craig thanks .. I do like it when I'm right. But I wasn't very sure about either. That slightly curved windshield is beautiful.

Pic is of my Easy Rider. I designed her in college and built her in the Queen Charlotte Islands in the 70s. Goal was a smooth riding efficient boat. Her very light weight made her efficient. Her shape made her strong and light. 28 x 9'. Powered by a 55hp OB and made over 20 knots very light and cruised at 11 to 15 knots depending on fuel load and other gear on board. Eye candy she's not but interesting she is.


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Umm, Jungle Jim I think you need to be in the classified section, not here.
Andy G, sorry if my post resembled a "for sale" ad, but my intent was to identify a common problem that a lot of Taiwan-built Trawler Yachts seem to have, that in spite of wonderful hulls, the construction of the cabins seems to be a "weak link" in them, though that varies not only in the brand-names (many different "brands" are actually produced in the same factories), but within the same brands, dependent upon which "family" actually performed the build-out of the cabins. For example, the Kady-Krogens are built in the same plant as the Chien Hwa's, but the Chung Hwa's are built in another plant nearly 50 miles SW, so even "CHB" has differences. Examining my neighbor's 37' as compared to my 39', the differences seem subtle at first, since at first glance one would think them nearly twin sisters, but they are really very different boats. Had I only known how much the differences were, I would for sure have used much closer scrutiny before buying the one I did.
Double ender pair.

Getting back to interesting boats here's two good capable double enders. The larger boat was in Petersburg and the Willard belongs to my friend Ed from Marble Is NW of Craig. Most of the marble in the Wash State Capital buildings came from Marble Is. Ed's boat lives on a buoy w a very heavy anchor in front of his wilderness cabin where Ed lives year round. The lower photo shows Ed's boat at his home.


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Umm, Jungle Jim I think you need to be in the classified section, not here.

Done, moved to Classifieds.

Thanks Andy.
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Andy G, sorry if my post resembled a "for sale" ad, but my intent was to identify a common problem that a lot of Taiwan-built Trawler Yachts seem to have, that in spite of wonderful hulls, the construction of the cabins seems to be a "weak link" in them, though that varies not only in the brand-names (many different "brands" are actually produced in the same factories), but within the same brands, dependent upon which "family" actually performed the build-out of the cabins. For example, the Kady-Krogens are built in the same plant as the Chien Hwa's, but the Chung Hwa's are built in another plant nearly 50 miles SW, so even "CHB" has differences. Examining my neighbor's 37' as compared to my 39', the differences seem subtle at first, since at first glance one would think them nearly twin sisters, but they are really very different boats. Had I only known how much the differences were, I would for sure have used much closer scrutiny before buying the one I did.
Oops, maybe it wasn't a for sale ad Jungle Jim, but it did rather sound like it, so shall we leave it in classifieds..? You never know, you might get an offer you can't refuse...

I think your above explanation makes moving it back a bit superfluous...? What say you..?
I'm happy to move it back if you wish - it would be good practice for my moderating skills if so...
Perhaps "General Maintenance" or "General Discussion".

It dosn't belong here on "interesting Boats" ..... clearly not.

And you can't blame our new guy for putting it here as you moderators are having difficulty w where to put it.

And I'll also say it's an interesting topic and very applicable and important to many as rotten decks and/or cabins is not uncommon at all. We should have discussed this one to death 100 times already.
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Perhaps "General Maintenance" or "General Discussion".

It dosn't belong here on "interesting Boats" ..... clearly not.

And you can't blame our new guy for putting it here as you moderators are having difficulty w where to put it.

And I'll also say it's an interesting topic and very applicable and important to many as rotten decks and/or cabins is not uncommon at all. We should have discussed this one to death 100 times already.

See new new thread "Boat Rot – Used Boat Buys! Repair or Walk Away??" Under forum's General Discussion area. :D

Mr Thorton Grenfell was a local BC designer / builder based in Vancouver. These are a few pics taken from a party held a few years back. I have posted these before.

Pictures provided to me from Bruce Claridge who created a wonderfull book of the first Rendezvous.


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Mr Thorton Grenfell was a local BC designer / builder based in Vancouver. These are a few pics taken from a party held a few years back. I have posted these before.

Pictures provided to me from Bruce Claridge who created a wonderfull book of the first Rendezvous.

Beautiful picts of wood boats. - Thanks for providing them!

4 hp Johnson on dink in left side of last boat pictured, named "Carefree", represents mid 70's circa... do you know if that is when picts were taken?

Starfire is a Bill Garden design buit by Philbrooks. She is located here at the marina currently. Twin 12 71 NA. Too much boat for the likes of me but I am in love. :thumb:


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Art that was 1997 Duck Bay saltspring island.Carefree is still " well maintained" . Seaquel is a sister ship with a bit of a different look that is also very well cared for curently.
Starfire is a Bill Garden design buit by Philbrooks. She is located here at the marina currently. Twin 12 71 NA. Too much boat for the likes of me but I am in love. :thumb:

My wife loves BIG windows for much interior sunlight. She would simply LOVE that boat! She is a beauty of a "yacht"!!
Here's an old 1955 totally glassed-over Chesepeake Bay Trawler, reportedly dry with zero rot and nothing in the bilge either. It's a local boat (Miami), a live-aboard, but somewhat unfinished. At 27,300 bucks, maybe it's someone's dream (or nightmare). Twin 671's.

60' Chesapeake Bay Trawler


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A few more Grenfell's

Including Seaquil.


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From the west coast work boat crew

A couple of boats from a meet a few years back.:socool:


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In response to Andy's suggestion of having my CHB in the Classifieds section, after talking it over with my wife, it is a very good suggestion, and I even posted the boat on Craigslist... If she doesn't sell, and the anticipated funds become available, she will no longer be a 39' CHB Tri-Cabin, but magically (with a LOT of "sweat equity," LOL!) grow into a 45' EXTENDED CHB Europa-style Pilot-House Cockpit Cruiser... I've already drafted the floor plans and elevations, and they include a "sailboat stern" under the cockpit/swimstep add-on to reduce drag & improve fuel economy... The twin opposed single-direction stern thrusters will be replaced with a single reversible bow and likewise a stern thruster (yeah, maybe a bit overkill, but I like the "parallel parking" ability), keel-cooling, & dry exhaust with heat reclaim... A lot to chew on, but if it all works out, she'd definitely be "one of a kind," and the live-aboard functionality would be greatly improved, especially for my wife, who has fibromyalgia and needs to avoid excess stairs, especially the steep ladder-type presently in the Tri-Cabin.
Starfire is a Bill Garden design buit by Philbrooks. She is located here at the marina currently. Twin 12 71 NA. Too much boat for the likes of me but I am in love. :thumb:

And available at a very low price currently.......

What's really wonderful about these boats (Garden did this arrangement in various sizes) is that most of the interior and the cockpit are all on one level, stem to stern.......
And available at a very low price currently.......

What's really wonderful about these boats (Garden did this arrangement in various sizes) is that most of the interior and the cockpit are all on one level, stem to stern.......

Yup it was donated to the disabled sailing association a couple of years ago after being for sale for some time. Now she sits in wait of some love. I hope she receives it.
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