Pages load, go white and a fraction of a second later they finish loading

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Valued Technical Contributor
Aug 17, 2012
I am a member of four web forum websites that all use the same software- V Bulletin and are managed by the same people- Hello Janet H!

For the last few days all four of these websites start loading their home page or subsequent thread pages, the screen then goes white and after a full second or as little as a tenth of a second the page finishes loading. This is happening at all four sites and is not happening at any of the other half dozen sites I routinely visit. And I just clicked on another half dozen sites I rarely visit, and it is not happening on those either. Only on these four that are all part of a management group, and all use the same software.

Some glitch in the V Bulletin software is probably causing this to happen.

What can it be ?????. Can you please fix it!!!

I will also post this to, one of the other four that I visit routinely.

Edit: I am using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 with all updates installed and using MS Edge as my standard browser. I tried it with Firefox on the same laptop and also got the white flashes but much shorter.

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Same problem. I reported your post so moderators would be sure to see.
This should be resolved - thanks for the notice.
It is fixed and works normally now, hurray!!

Thanks administrators and IT folks.

This should be resolved - thanks for the notice.

That was fast once reported. I think others of us had the issue but assumed it was something on our end or some glitch that would resolve itself. It was the report that it was on all your sites and reporting it to the mods that notified those who could do something about it. Long ago I learned that IT doesn't just magically know what is going on.

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