Moorage at Steveston BC in the Fraser River

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Apr 3, 2011
Vessel Name
Phoenix Hunter
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 (1985)
I thought I'd post on a very little known moorage opportunity in Steveston BC. Steveston is a lovely opportunity for boaters, about 6 nm upstream of the Sand Heads light station. Moorage can be obtained from the Steveston Harbour Authority, for a nominal amount. However very nice moorage can be obtained jut upstream of the Harbour Authority at the location of the former Imperial Plant Cannery. This is "City of Richmond" Moorage and as near as I can tell this is a brand new dock with space available for vessels exceeding 100', $1 a foot and I believe it includes power with 20, 30 and 50 amp power. Hardly anyone ties up at this location even during the summer. 3 day maximum stay but I don't think anyone is lining up. Our regular moorage is just upstream of this location and there is always space there. Steveston is kind of the Pike Place of Richmond, and is 20 nm from Point Roberts. Steveston has a customs clearance station.

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We've been up the river twice and stayed at Steveston to visit a friend who lives in Richmond. They put us at a dock under a restaurant which wasn't too bad but getting up the 5 miles of river was trying to say the least.

I've said never again, my friend can visit us in Vancouver but maybe the Richmond Marina would change my mind. Thanks for the tip.
I'll second thanks for the tip. We tend to stay in our area or north, but you have opened some possibilities if we decide to look for something more cosmopolitan.
but getting up the 5 miles of river was trying to say the least.

Just curious ... what makes it so trying? I've never been there but we do have plans to be in the general area this summer.

The City of Richmond Dock in Steveston is not shown on the 2004 edition CHS chart 349002 but is shown on the Navionics Chart on my iNavX. Likewise is is not shown on Google or Apple maps but can be seen on Bing Maps. It is located at the foot of English Avenue. The photos shows no vessels tied up to it and none were there yesterday afternoon. This dock is mostly empty, even in the summer. We’ve never seen more than 2 or 3 boats tied up to it. Transient moorage is available from Steveston Harbour Authority at the Fish Sales dock but that might be difficult to find. The other advantage with Steveston is the opportunity to do some provisioning for those items that have restrictions for importation to Canada. The US boater can enter Canada in Steveston, which is situated on the west side of the S of G rather than heading to Sidney or Maple Bay.

Transit up the Fraser River isn’t particularly difficult. There is no issue with a “Bar” to cross, such as is found off the Columbia, however seas can be nasty particularly with any winds over 20 kts from the Northwest and a strong ebb. Transit is best on a good flood upstream, but the timing of that push depends on the strength of the flood and the amount of freshet. The lower Fraser is easily navigable for the most part with charts available to upstream of Mission Bridge and a strong flood tide can redirect the flow upstream even past Mission (60 miles upstream of the mouth) from August to early May. As far as travel to Steveston is concerned, if you are bucking tide as you travel upstream, you can keep the channel pillar bouys to your PORT hand for the most part as there is sufficient water depth. You can gain almost a knot that way. Just don’t cut the corner too close at Steveston Bend, as the water shallows almost to buoy S-8. Best to keep S-8 to your starboard hand.
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Just curious ... what makes it so trying? I've never been there but we do have plans to be in the general area this summer.

Sorry for the late reply, I just saw this. What I found trying was bucking that river current going upstream. With my 7 knot boat I was making about 2 to 3 knots to the good so it would take almost 2 hours to go 5 miles.

Unlike JDCAVE, I didn't have local knowledge of the currents. I do believe the 2 times I have made the trip, I tried to always go up on a flood but that didn't seem to help.

Isn't this the marina that gave you the dreaded call in the night? Do they have 30 and 50 amp power for visitors?
No, this is the City of Richmond (Steveston being a part of Richmond). The Steveston Harbour authority also has guest moorage but there is newer receptacles at that dock.

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