I hate Costco!!

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
So I renewed our Costco cars because I replaced all the house batteries. 8 golf cart batteries. Can't complain the old ones lasted 7 years.


The Admiral saw a 36 bottle wine chiller. She states the old 18 bottle chiller was too small. And she complains about my scotch collection.

I hate Costco. LOL

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We've taken to Costco "snatch & grabs"

Don't get a cart, go and grab as much as 2 hands will carry and beat a hasty exit.
We do Sam's Club, but same thing.
Not so bad. When we rejoined a couple years ago we walked in and first thing we saw was an 86” TV. It is awesome for football…
"I hate Costco"

It`s probably mutual.
So I renewed our Costco cars because I replaced all the house batteries. 8 golf cart batteries. Can't complain the old ones lasted 7 years.


The Admiral saw a 36 bottle wine chiller. She states the old 18 bottle chiller was too small. And she complains about my scotch collection.

I hate Costco. LOL

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I admit to being ESL. Your post sounds like you chilled your scotch and there was not enough room in the wine cooler for wine.
We didn't buy one but the funniest things we saw at a Costco in Florida were coffins!
I haven’t seen the inside of a Cosco since 06. And that’s the way we’ll keep it.

We go to a coffee house and we’re on the side of the parking lot. Steady stream of cars and they seem really ready to cut you off. Some do of course. It reminds me of young girls going to a Beatles concert.

I also remember when malls started up. You could hardly walk in the passageways there were so many people. No reason to go there now.

Life seems to be just a fad a lot of the time.
In the midst of a recession their sales are soaring.

That says something.
Aside from the store, it's the best place to buy gas, especially now.
I hear that they are considering an Express Line for purchases under $500……
I hear that they are considering an Express Line for purchases under $500……

My local store recently added about 6-8 self checkouts. Quick and conveninet if you only have a few items, wouldn't work well for a full cart, but their cashiers are very efficient anyway. If you haven't noticed, they rate their cashiers on how fast they can process items and customers. They've also figured out how to speed up their credit card machines, approval is almost instantaneous. They've really focused on saving every possible second at checkout.
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I haven’t seen the inside of a Cosco since 06. And that’s the way we’ll keep it.

We go to a coffee house and we’re on the side of the parking lot. Steady stream of cars and they seem really ready to cut you off. Some do of course. It reminds me of young girls going to a Beatles concert.

I also remember when malls started up. You could hardly walk in the passageways there were so many people. No reason to go there now.

Life seems to be just a fad a lot of the time.

So costco is evil .. but Starbucks is ok?.

I'm in the opposite camp, Personally I think sitting in a line of 15 cars to get an overprices latte is nuts. And I LOVE coffee.

If we are not careful we will sound like a couple old curmudgeons!

So costco is evil .. but Starbucks is ok?.

I'm in the opposite camp, Personally I think sitting in a line of 15 cars to get an overprices latte is nuts. And I LOVE coffee.

If we are not careful we will sound like a couple old curmudgeons!


I shop Costco regularly, can't remember last time I've been to a Starbucks. Costco is hard to beat for some things, just have to not get carried away and buy more than you need even if the price is great.
Sorry to break our "I Want It All" bubble... BUT: [and, I'm as guilty as you!]

Consumerism [especially for never ending repeat sales of disposable products] powers global economics... while humanity's throw-outs are truly ruining Earth's ecosphere.

Only way to rectify [i.e. stop disposable-product-society before Earth's ecosphere fails] seems to be to re-create the vast, vast majority of products into actually recyclable materials.

A nearly insurmountable task... but... a task that MUST be made successful before it simply becomes too late.

Our consumer actions have simply outgrown Planet Earth's capabilities to withstand disposable-product incursion. Disposable products include not only hard and fabric materials. Also included are all forms of fossil fuels... which we excavate, utilize and dispose the remnants of into air, land and water.

Again I say: Sorry to break our "I Want It All" bubble... BUT!!! [and, I'm as guilty as you!]
At our local Sam's Club you can download their app then scan all your purchases on your smartphone, pay on your phone and just show the phone to the person at the door. No waiting on a checkout line at all. For gas at Sam's just point your camera phone at the QR code on the pump and you are good to pump and go. Gotta love the tech.
At our local Sam's Club you can download their app then scan all your purchases on your smartphone, pay on your phone and just show the phone to the person at the door. No waiting on a checkout line at all. For gas at Sam's just point your camera phone at the QR code on the pump and you are good to pump and go. Gotta love the tech.

Until someone hacks your app and then you get a new credit card. Our main credit card was stolen each month from December last year through March of this year. Real PITA setting up all the autopay every month.
So costco is evil .. but Starbucks is ok?.

I'm in the opposite camp, Personally I think sitting in a line of 15 cars to get an overprices latte is nuts. And I LOVE coffee.

If we are not careful we will sound like a couple old curmudgeons!


Oh man. Now you have opened another can of worms. :)

I love coffee too, but whatever battery acid Starbucks serves isn't what I'd call coffee. That nasty stuff is only drinkable if you water it down with enough cream and sugar to hide the flavor of what they call coffee. Purchased only when its the only available caffeine, such as when traveling.
Here are two Costco hacks for you. 1) get a buddy or buddette with a membership to Costco to purchase you a gift card, called a "Costco Shop Card" in their language. You can make a purchase above the limit of the card in store. I will link below this info. You are allowed in the store without a membership if you have a Costco Shop Card.

2) You can shop on line. You don't have to be a member to buy Costco items on line.

Score Great Costco Deals Without Paying the Membership Fee

And this other hack has nothing to do with any discussion we are having here but I thought I'd throw it in as a freebie.....lol. So if you're like me those banner adverts and adverts on YouTube drive you bonkers. But like me you are too cheap to pay and upgrade so the adverts disappear. This hack will sound weird but it works, I use it multiple times every day.

To get rid of the adverts, place a hyphen between the "t" and the "u" in the word youtube in the address, so it would look like this "yout-ube" then press enter and the adverts will disappear.

I'm into coffee, espresso (new machine) and moka and my chief priest is James Hoffman. Here is a video to practice on:

1) Without the hyphen, just a copy and paste of a video James made on how to brew a good pot of moka coffee:

2) Here is what the address will look like after you modify it:

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I love coffee too, but whatever battery acid Starbucks serves isn't what I'd call coffee. That nasty stuff is only drinkable if you water it down with enough cream and sugar to hide the flavor of what they call coffee. Purchased only when its the only available caffeine, such as when traveling.


I brew my own coffee. Years ago I used a coffee machine, but we have hard water, and every once in a while I would have to run vinegar through the machine to clean out the deposits. Then I would run fresh water through the machine a couple of times to get ride of the vinegar.

On morning I had to do this, finished cleaning the coffee machine, brewed some coffee and went to work....

Got to my desk, poured my coffee into a mug, as I was really needing the wake up, took a sip, and about spewed it over my computer and desk! VINEGAR! :banghead: :facepalm::eek:

I said some choice words and went to the cafeteria where they brew Starbucks coffee. Got my coffee, added a bit of cream and sugar and started to walk back to my desk. I took a sip and about spit that "coffee" on the floor. It was horrible! :banghead: I can't believe people drink this "stuff." I stopped in the bathroom and poured the "coffee" down the sink. Went back to my desk and drank my vinegar coffee because it tasted better than the Starbucks "coffee." My vinegar coffee had less acid in it that the Starbucks "coffee." :eek:

Once upon a time I brought in a coffee maker to work so we could brew our own coffee. People did not want ME to brew a pot of coffee because I made it too strong. :whistling::eek: I am not that picky about coffee but that Starbucks stuff was horrible. I always wondered if it was a bad brew I got but other people were drinking what I threw away. :whistling::nonono:

Now, I am brewing the Costco ground coffee, though I have some of the Kona bean blend that I grind every once in a while for a treat.

Hollywood wrote;

“ So costco is evil .. but Starbucks is ok?.

I'm in the opposite camp, Personally I think sitting in a line of 15 cars to get an overprices latte is nuts. And I LOVE coffee.

If we are not careful we will sound like a couple old curmudgeons!”

Never have been careful about that. I’m old and glad I made it this far. Cosco evil? Only went to one about 17 years ago and can’t remember.

Re Stubx I don’t do drive up. We go inside. With some trepidation and move around to evade the C bug … and so far have.
We also go to a local and comparable coffee house called Woods Coffee. Everything there is better than Stubx except coffee. Stubx dark is unbeatable .. IMO. And it’s so nice the boom boom boom Disco noise isn’t at Woods.
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Since I have never drunk a cup of coffee, I don’t understand what the deal is about good vs bad coffee…. I think it all smells horrible.
I’m betting you have spent over 5 times the cost of that new wine chiller on that ice maker.
Ill remind ya again, get rid of that power hog and use the space for storage of more Adult beverages. Just saying!
... they rate their cashiers on how fast they can process items and customers. ...

McDonald's used to do this too. They rated the counter people on how fast they processed your order (order entry to payment complete). It used to fidplay the average time to complete an order on the register if there was no order in process. The average time was something between 30 and 40 seconds in most locations.

This "order time" had nothing to do with how long it took to actually get your food.
Correction. Costco tracks checkout time very closely and invests accordingly. They have a second person who arranged bar codes for easy scanning by cashier, and their Point of Sale machines are blazingly fast. But they do not hold their cashiers accountable in the way that's being suggested. Look at the name badge each associate wears - usually has the year they were hired. Not unusual to see tenure of 10, 20, or more years. They are also in process of upgrading their fuel pumps to higher flow to move customers through faster.

Costco is a company that invests in technology and infrastructure to improve the customer experience. Wonder why their roast chicken is still $4.99? Along with the $1.50 hot dog/soda combo, they view the roast chicken as strategic. So several years ago they purchased a chicken processing plant in Nebraska to better control their supply chain. They sell close to $500m/yr and take a small loss.

It's a good company. Employee tenure says a lot. Especially in retail.

Try "Community Coffee"... Family owned. Lots of choices. Affordable. Great phone service if desired!

I usually purchase 4 40 ounce packages per order. Dark Roast. I'm a slut for early morning dark, bold, black coffee.
Correction. Costco tracks checkout time very closely and invests accordingly. They have a second person who arranged bar codes for easy scanning by cashier, and their Point of Sale machines are blazingly fast. But they do not hold their cashiers accountable in the way that's being suggested. Look at the name badge each associate wears - usually has the year they were hired. Not unusual to see tenure of 10, 20, or more years. They are also in process of upgrading their fuel pumps to higher flow to move customers through faster.

Costco is a company that invests in technology and infrastructure to improve the customer experience. Wonder why their roast chicken is still $4.99? Along with the $1.50 hot dog/soda combo, they view the roast chicken as strategic. So several years ago they purchased a chicken processing plant in Nebraska to better control their supply chain. They sell close to $500m/yr and take a small loss.

It's a good company. Employee tenure says a lot. Especially in retail.


Peter, I agree with you. I don't think I implied that their cashiers are held accountable, just that they are more efficient than any other store I've been to including as you said their POS machines. At my Costco, they have a board where they post the best cashier stats. Probably a good motivator and maybe there are some small rewards that go with it even if they are not punished for poor performance. It does make me question why they are the only store that has figured out how to immediately approve your credit card when most places it takes much longer. I know it's only a matter of a few seconds, but it's noticeable.

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