She was much loved once…

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Apr 3, 2011
Vessel Name
Phoenix Hunter
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 (1985)
Fulford Maid:

But today, she’s being broken up

always a sad day
Wow. Its always sad to see a once-beautiful beauty be destroyed.:cry:
What the heck happened? It was listed in 2023 and looked decent. Was there some unseen issue?
That’s a classic northwest fishing boat hull. I spent my childhood on them fishing out of Sitka. So warm feeling, solid and quiet.
This almost makes me cry.
She had considerable damage to her stern on the port side. It looked like a lot of rot. I see it was on a 6 week trip that I presume was recent. Yes, I saw it had a Gardner. I was going to ask but there were some gruff guys doing the work so I didn’t ask. It was dark last night when they finished up. I do know there were 8 very large lead cannon balls, the size used by commercial trollers on the side for salvage.

I’ll ask around the yard and seen if anyone knows anything about her recent history.

I just went over to the debris pile. Those guys broke up those boats by leaving the batteries in place. And they have flooded lead acid batteries there. What a mess! It looks like a Gardner engine in the pile.
I am at Shelter Island on the hard. They crushed 5 boats I saw this past week, maybe more. End of life for a boat.
I understand the economics, but I still hate to see boats being destroyed without any attempt to salvage the usable components. Come to thing of it, I feel the same way about houses, barns, old mill buildings and other structures.
Not everything is worth saving and restoring.
8D punctured by the excavator. T-104s on their sides. God knows what else is in that pile.

Here’s the mess:
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