FL Anchoring FWC update presentation

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High Wire

Dec 22, 2007
Vessel Name
Irish Lady
Vessel Make
Monk 36
Flipping through TV channels I happened to catch this FWC update on anchoring and mooring. This is 'The Florida Channel' archive of Major Robert Lowe report out on FL waterways anchoring and mooring legislation and enforcement of At-Risk and Derelict Vessels. Jump ahead to 1:47:15 to 2:49:01 for the pertinent portion. IMO its worth the hour if you anchor in FL.

Thanks for sharing. Their approach seems fair.
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Thanks for sharing. Their approach seems fair.

It should be fair. If the issue is derelict boats and boats being abandoned at anchor, then the solution isn't to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

If the issue is that some wealthy landowner wants to own the land AND all they survey......well that is another story.
"If the issue is that some wealthy landowner wants to own the land AND all they survey......well that is another story."

"Just because I cant see Portugal from my condo window does not mean your boat can ruin my view!"
In the next week I will complete a run through the entire ICW on both coasts of Florida except from Apalachicola to Pensacola. I did not get back into the many associated bays and coves where most of these derelict vessels hide, but I sure saw a few of them out in the open for all the world to see. Untended, unsightly, some partially or wholly sunk with only masts above water at moorings and others washed up ashore. I am sick and tired of the shackles we have placed upon law enforcement which preclude them from taking effective action BEFORE the very expensive salvage/removal process. I participated in the long process of forcing removal of numerous derelict shrimp boats in my own bayou, and I have to say I was close to just rowing over there and tossing a flare into that nest of junk.
Thanks for this. Will cast it to my TV later so we can watch it

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