What skill did you pass on to your kids?

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While we never had kids, my wife and I have a load of nieces and nephews. I have always been a pretty good mechanical troubleshooter and take that ability to all things in life. When something does not work correctly stand back and take a hard look. keep watching, ask questions and work out a solution. this works with machinery, social interactions, political interactions, etc.
When my siblings have issues, it is often my phone that rings.
Never let an opportunity for Adventure pass you by. My two daughters went in different directions to do this. One holds, along with 4 friends, the US women's high altitude without oxygen skydiving record, 20,250 feet. The other is an accomplished Shark diver. Happily they both credit my sense of adventure to motivate them to seek the same.
I was raised with benign neglect. Didn't turn out badly.

Received three meals a day and assigned chores with a small allowance. Every year, got two new pants, three shirts, and a pair of shoes, Father inducted me to be first mate during his sailboat-racing days. Permitted to wander the neighborhood for adventures with neighborhood kids, and later to take the car to the mountains to backpack with friends and alone. Parents paid for college, which I did for my kids.


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One that's resonated well with my currently-9-year-old is be skeptical of advertising. If they have to spend money to get your attention then the product is probably crap.

I let him get one or two things from the bargain shelf, ones that had been previously heavily advertised. They were, of course, entirely underwhelming compared to the advertisements. Now I can just ask "did you see an ad for this on TV?" and that pretty much immediately makes him lose interest in it.

Be skeptical. Be kind. Defend yourself and others. Life's always going to be a challenge, rise up to it. Things don't just get done by magic, everything takes effort. Nothing's ever going to be handed to you without effort on your part.

Some folks are just not right in the head, accept this and deal with them wisely. Those faced with challenges didn't chose to have them put on them, help them and do not fall prey to the shitty ways other people treat them. But some folks are never going to be worth the effort, know this and move on.
I'm most proud of my (early 20's) kids for their work ethic.

In sports, neither one was particularly talented, but no one outworked them. And the coaches loved them.

Same in academics. They're like bulldogs with the stuff they're interested in.

I've tried to impress on them that I've never known, or employed, a hard-working, honest person who was not at least moderately successful.
I’ve taught my kids that skin color, nationality, religion, wealth, etc. doesn’t matter when dealing people. People are people. Treat them accordingly. Learn something about them, and from them. Keep the mind open.
The same thing my father passed on to me. A good work ethic. All my kids have a great work ethic. The rest is up to them.
The main, or most important to me, thing I tried to pass on to my boys is to be a better father than I was. Not that I was a bad one but I could have been better in many ways. Tried to teach them to take their experience as a child and improve on my parenting with their own children. So far they are all wonderful dads and better than I was and I see that every day with our grand kids. I will say that, while admitting my own faults at parenting, I made sure that they understand that none of them came with an Instruction Manual. They never understood that until they had a child. Now they do.

Functional skills revolved around technology, computers. One son is a CTO with a NYC firm. Another is a software training development manager. The 3rd son chases, and catches, women. I had nothing to do with that skill. He developed it on his own.
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