Newbie - Any Maple Bay owners out there?

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Oct 2, 2014
Vessel Name
Anna Melvin 111
Vessel Make
Maple Bay 32
Just joined, we have a Maple Bay 33 "Anna Melvin 111" which we are slowly bringing home to Toronto. Set out from St. Petersburg, Fla. in January 2012 now laid up for the winter on the Chesapeake, having crossed over to the east coast ICW via Lake Okeechobee. Wonderful boat, wonderful trip.
Welcome aboard. No Maple Bay but have:
Looks like it will roll just like the Anna Melvin too!
Always been a fan of the Maple Bay vessels from the first 27 that Dallas Selman built.
Any idea how many 32's Jim Scrivens built?
Beautiful boat!
Hi Conrad: I believe she is actually a "33" and registration papers variously say built 2002 and 2003. Have searched for more information but not much out there, although I did see and advert for what seemed to be another 33. Apparently she has been to Alaska then down to and through the Panama Canal before finding a home in North Carolina for a few years. We are probably the third owners and she is in great shape.
Somewhere I have an old copy of Pacific Yachting that has an article on the Maple Bay. If I come across it you are welcome to a scanned copy of the review. They quite liked it.
Just joined, we have a Maple Bay 33 "Anna Melvin 111" which we are slowly bringing home to Toronto. Set out from St. Petersburg, Fla. in January 2012 now laid up for the winter on the Chesapeake, having crossed over to the east coast ICW via Lake Okeechobee. Wonderful boat, wonderful trip.


Welcome aboard!!
Welcome and if it does look like Conrad's pic, a mighty fine looking boat!
That's the other "33" I had seen. This version was called a Pacific Isle 33 which seems to fit with Dallas Selman connection. Copy of the Pacific Yachting article would be much appreciated. Thanks to all for the compliments, will now try to upload more pictures.
That's the other "33" I had seen. This version was called a Pacific Isle 33 which seems to fit with Dallas Selman connection. Copy of the Pacific Yachting article would be much appreciated. Thanks to all for the compliments, will now try to upload more pictures.

Yours is different? You're correct that the one in the photo was called a Pacific Isle sometimes and a Maple Bay other times. Now I'm intrigued by what model you have. Attached is the spec sheet for the Pacific Maple Isle Bay 32.


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Maple Bay Trawlers

Thanks Conrad, the plan looks identical. We bought her as a Pacific Isle 33 and then found the manufacturer's label identifying Maple Bay. Looks like the mould was extended over the years from the original 27. I read on an advert for "Caprice" a 30 for sale in Vancouver that Jim Scrivens was a stickler for detail and only built 3 boats a year, so seems we lucked out big time! We laid up at Hinckley Yachts in Savannah 2013-14 and had them modify the aft cabin berth. We felt extremely smug when their carpenter came on board and said "Wow, look at all this woodwork! Praise indeed. Still trying to upload more photos but my Mac is not being co-operative.

PS: we saw "Caprice" at Coal Island, Vancouver this June; looked great. The ad is on Boating accessories, equipment, supplies, marinas and much more!


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Did you stay at St Pete Muni a few years ago? I saw a MB there on the north dock.
Wonderful looking boat.

Almost bought a MB 27 and saw one at Pt Baker AK out of Juneau.

The 33 looks a bit like a stretched W30 wa different sheer line.
Thanks Conrad, the plan looks identical. We bought her as a Pacific Isle 33 and then found the manufacturer's label identifying Maple Bay. Looks like the mould was extended over the years from the original 27. I read on an advert for "Caprice" a 30 for sale in Vancouver that Jim Scrivens was a stickler for detail and only built 3 boats a year, so seems we lucked out big time! We laid up at Hinckley Yachts in Savannah 2013-14 and had them modify the aft cabin berth. We felt extremely smug when their carpenter came on board and said "Wow, look at all this woodwork! Praise indeed. Still trying to upload more photos but my Mac is not being co-operative.

PS: we saw "Caprice" at Coal Island, Vancouver this June; looked great. The ad is on Boating accessories, equipment, supplies, marinas and much more!

Great looking vessel! And much prefered to the one in my photo, which was laden with teak on the outside - rails, doors, cockpit floor etc. Nice but major upkeep. I've also seen a photo of one with a dark hull, so there are a few out there. Any interior photos? Still haven't located the PY article, but it is around here somewhere!
Thanks Conrad, the plan looks identical. We bought her as a Pacific Isle 33 and then found the manufacturer's label identifying Maple Bay. Looks like the mould was extended over the years from the original 27. I read on an advert for "Caprice" a 30 for sale in Vancouver that Jim Scrivens was a stickler for detail and only built 3 boats a year, so seems we lucked out big time! We laid up at Hinckley Yachts in Savannah 2013-14 and had them modify the aft cabin berth. We felt extremely smug when their carpenter came on board and said "Wow, look at all this woodwork! Praise indeed. Still trying to upload more photos but my Mac is not being co-operative.

PS: we saw "Caprice" at Coal Island, Vancouver this June; looked great. The ad is on Boating accessories, equipment, supplies, marinas and much more!

I meant to ask, how do you like the dry exhaust? And what is the windlass?
Another fantastic looking boat. I prefer the looks of almost any trawler without an upper helm this is a great example.
Did you stay at St Pete Muni a few years ago? I saw a MB there on the north dock.
That was us. We had a great New Year 2012 at St Pete's Municipal Marina, great crowd of people there. Enjoyed a few evenings at the Moon Under Water too!
Maple Bay Trawlers

:smitten:Original photos with interior.

The drystack exhaust works well unless the heat exchanger becomes fouled. We had arranged for a diver to clean while tied up at a marina for three months. Unfortunately he "forgot" with the result that we had to run with the engine hatch open and the heater running in 30C weather!:mad: Fortunately all back to normal now.


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Some photos of an example with a lot of exterior teak. Nice, but impractical I'd say.


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Hi Conrad: Hope you saw the additional photos & dry stack posting. Question: we have been thinking of repainting the hull dark blue, looks very smart, like your "Blue Sky" but am told it makes for a hot interior. Maybe this is more true for a sailboat, any comments?
Some photos of an example with a lot of exterior teak. Nice, but impractical I'd say.
Yes, we were lucky as the previous owner had replaced with coated aluminium portlights and hatches. I had guessed that Epivanes was the interior varnish and proven right when repairing condensation marks. What a great product, even quite large blemishes disappear with minimal effort.
Hi Conrad: Hope you saw the additional photos & dry stack posting. Question: we have been thinking of repainting the hull dark blue, looks very smart, like your "Blue Sky" but am told it makes for a hot interior. Maybe this is more true for a sailboat, any comments?

Yes, I saw the additional photos - what a beauty! It looks like your interior is pretty much the same as the teaked out model except for the steering wheel. Hadn't thought about the keel cooler fouling, but it makes sense.

Hard to say about the dark hull. Blue Sky came with the dark blue hull so can't compare; on the BC west coast we haven't noticed the interior to be exceptionally hot. I know in southern climes it can be an issue, so perhaps someone can chime in. Your cruising area is the Great Lakes?
Mr./Ms. M. Can't comment on the heat index of a blue hull BUT every little "oopsie" shows up as a white blemish and any hull imperfections (gasp-perish the thought) show up as well.
Maple Bay 27 owner

We have a Maple Bay 27, located in Olympia, Washington.


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Nice looking boats .
OI started w an Albin 25 and we now have a Willard 30 as in my avatar. I had serious lust over a Maple Bay 27 some years ago.

I see you stow your dink (a rubber duckie .. like ours) on the cabin roof. How much does your dink weigh and how do you get it back up on top? We had a FG dinghy (about 90lbs) but wasn't practical to pull it up by hand. Then we bought a duckie that weighed a bit over 50lbs but that was too much too. Being 75 has some to do w it but the potential of slipping and falling off the roof is the big problem. The FG dink was narrower than the Duckie. The wide duckie gave only several inches of roof to stand on. Perhaps the 30lb weight of the new duckie without the heavy wood transom will be easy and safe enough to do. I plan on lifting it a bit sideways.

What's been your experience?

By the way one of the first things we will do this year is to spend a week in the south sound. We'll be looking for your boat.

Pack Mule they sure are and require much less power to drive than our Willard.

CAA I just noticed the for sale sign. Don't even think about it.
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We have a Maple Bay 27, located in Olympia, Washington.

That is a great looking boat. How about some more pictures? Welcome to TF.
Yes, we were lucky as the previous owner had replaced with coated aluminium portlights and hatches. I had guessed that Epivanes was the interior varnish and proven right when repairing condensation marks. What a great product, even quite large blemishes disappear with minimal effort.

Great looking boat a shame it had to leave St Pete

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