Just thought I'd share these photos....

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Nov 14, 2012
We're down in AZ right now enjoying a 90*, clear, windless day that has turned into a stormy day. GW was out on the back patio and told me I should check the sky to the north. I took my camera and here's what was out there....







In the 30 minutes since I took those and posted them the sky has turned black as coal, the wind has come up out of the north, and there's lightening to the NE of us. We could be in for a blow before this is over.
AZ and NM are beautiful places at the right time of year, miserable at the wrong time :)
Wicked cool. A real jaw dropper.

4X5 camera...orange filter...B&W film...BAM!!
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Very cool pics, Mike. AZ sunsets are legendary. That one is extra-cool!

We came across a good one in late August 2014 at an outdoor Eagles concert at South Lake Tahoe, CA. It was a sight to behold!


Thanks for sharing!!
You will need a 100KG Manson Supreme on 1x scope for a squall like that!
Thanks for the comments. That photo from the Eagles concert is great. It just looks like something you'd see an eagle flying around beneath.

Billyfeet, you lost me on that one. I don't mean to sound stupid (I guess I am!) but what the heck is that?
That's a JOKE SON! Typical anchor selection babble on TF. Enjoyed the photos, like I enjoy a good storm front in my living room, not at anchor in poor holding ground in the Bahamas!
Thanks for the comments. That photo from the Eagles concert is great. It just looks like something you'd see an eagle flying around beneath.

Oh, we were all flying with the Eagles that night! :eek::hide:
Sweet skies! No one paints like Mother Nature.
That is very nice that you shared beautiful photos with us where are you when you are taking the pictures are you in a car?
No, my wife had been out behind our condo and told me I should go out front to look at the storm. I did, but when I saw it I got the camera and snapped those pics. How many places can you stand for several minutes in the middle of a wide street like that and not get run over?

One thing I like about being down here is the wide streets with almost no traffic. When they were built back in the day, land was plentiful and cheap. It shows.
Love their song "Hotel California."
Who are the eagles? Must be before my time.

:facepalm: Children!! Arrrgh!!

Love their song "Hotel California."

My favorite song. Got a great story about that song next time we cruise! I'd tell it here, but it's better over a beer. Besides, the 'youngins' won't understand the reference to the Mayaguez.
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