Hello from Gloucester

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Jan 27, 2013
Just found this forum and signed up. I live in Gloucester, MA and currently have a Grand Banks 47' Europe. It's been an awesome coastal cruiser, but we are now ready to travel world-wide and are building a Nordhavn N60. We will still have another full season on the GB before we will put it on the market, and are trying to decide where to go. High on the list is a run up through the river and canal systems to Georgian Bay on Lake Huron. That's a spot we can't get to in the Nordhavn due to water and air draft, so it's now or never.... Last summer we spent 2-1/2 months circumnavigating New England and the Canadian Maritimes. You can read about the trip on our blog, along with an ongoing discussion of the new boat build. tanglewoodii.blogspot.com

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