Diesel Duck favorite cruises and anchorages

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Veteran Member
Oct 14, 2007
**I was wondering if there are*any DD* owners out there that would contribute some of their photos of their cruises and anchorages.*


Here we are in Connecticut. Our Duck was built in China at Seahorse marine. We are planning our big voyages to start in June of 2009. Until then we continue to educate ourselves on Long Island Sound. We have been as far south as the Chesasapeake Bay. We have been to many port on LI Sound, to Block Island,and plan to do the Vineyard this summer.


  • 1765408_34.jpg
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Wow....that is one fine boat!!!!
Hi Jerry
I don't know if you remember me but we talked in Long island sound last October. I was On The "atlantic Salvor" working near great Neck ( we were with the barge Columbia. Hopefully all is well with you and your crew. I'm new to this site and just wanted to say hey. I still love your DD
Jack Curley
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