Aft Bilge pump - Mainship 430 aft-cabin

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Apr 23, 2019
I've been trying to find the aft bilge pump and float on my boat, the closest I can find is thru the access hole to the master shower sump. The bilge is below that, physically blocked by the hoses to the sump. I can see down into the bilge and run the pump manually from the switch panel to pump the bilge empty but cannot see a pump down there. It seems impossible to get to anyway, but if any owners can tell me where its at I'd appreciate it.
You mean this one. I replaced that pump when we first bought the boat. I had to remove the hoses to the shower sump so I could get one hand down the hole and reach the pump. It was not an easy job. All done by feel as you cannot see down the hole when your arm is in there.


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That looks like the place, but there's no pump there. Looking again, there's a hose with a right angle elbow that disappears under the aft water tank. Now I do have a few choice four letter words for Mainship. Ugh.
Maybe the PO removed the pump? If you remove the shower sump - which isn't a big job, you will have better access to where the bilge pump is supposed to be.
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