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      Trighom replied to the thread Lower unit thief.
      Wow, that's incredibly frustrating. I had a similar experience last summer when I had some tools stolen from my docked boat. It feels...
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      My younger brother went through something similar, and after our parents charged him rent and made him responsible for his own stuff, he...
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      Trighom replied to the thread Cinderella incinerating toilets.
      I've never heard of a Cinderella incinerating toilet before, but it sounds intriguing. The idea of avoiding the hassle and expense of a...
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      Trighom replied to the thread Work While Cruising Idea.
      That sounds like an awesome plan! Bringing her upholstery business along for the journey could be a real game-changer. Offering services...
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      I had a great experience with the new USCG eStorefront too. Our boat’s documentation was up for renewal, and instead of dealing with...
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