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    • tcoop
      tcoop replied to the thread Solar Panel Sourcing.
      Thank you everyone! I am looking only at Mono panels. I am wanting to go with two panels versus more to minimize physical installation...
    • tcoop
      tcoop replied to the thread Solar Panel Sourcing.
      One more try for where to buy and what brands to look for????
    • tcoop
      I am just starting to look at putting a couple solar panels on the pilot house. I see tons of brands and a lot of folks that want to...
    • tcoop
      tcoop replied to the thread Flat orientation of Starlink..
      Last year I either mounted our dish too close to the fixed rail and it broke something when it hit or the mechanism failed. The dish...
    • tcoop
      tcoop replied to the thread Starlink experience to consider.
      Last summer a day after being 15 miles off the Washington coast I got an email that I needed to upgrade or loose service in the ocean. I...
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