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    • Fleming
      I'm with Sibernut, switch the waste and fuel caps. That'll teach them.
    • Fleming
      Fleming reacted to Genesis's post in the thread Outer reef 26 with Like Like.
      whitefish, MT. Stored inside. Been to AK 3 times.
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread Outer reef 26.
      Where are you located?
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      Those look like unlabeled, unrated fuel lines. They should be labeled as A-1 fuel hoses.
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread refrigeration.
      Just a wild guess without being there to check things; you probably have excessive voltage drop between an undersized battery bank and...
    • Fleming
      It's not an AI answer, that was just google giving search results. That was a quote from an article on Like many...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread Deal before survey?.
      This is to protect YOU as well as the Seller from wasting each other's time. Survey and haul out cost can be $1500-$4000 depending on...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread GB36cl fuel tank replacement.
      I was considering buying a GB36 in need of tank replacement and when I checked with American Tanks about 3 months ago the cost would be...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread HIN number request.
      You wouldn't know it from the boat history report. Salvage boats don't show up on there. The insurance companies are the only ones who...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread Throw rings.
      I have the CFR's in front of me. There is a line in there about how you can't have any deteriorated straps that will break when pulled...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread Throw rings.
      Both those statements are wrong. The Lifesling DOES meet the USCG requirement ( Sites-WestMarine-Site ) , and the line around the ring...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread ABYC ELCI requirement.
      I just had to troubleshoot a 1978 boat last week because the diver cleaning the bottom 'felt a tingle' when he touched a through hull...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread ABYC ELCI requirement.
      I don't agree with that statement at all. The standards are constantly evolving and improving the safety of boats. As the standards...
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread WTB - Sabreline 36 Double Cabin.
      That's the problem. The parts aren't out there anymore.
    • Fleming
      Fleming replied to the thread WTB - Sabreline 36 Double Cabin.
      It gets a bad rap because they can't be rebuilt. I just recently ran into this issue with a Sabre 36 with the 8.2's and one of them was...
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