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      cosmo reacted to drewread's post in the thread Trouble with boatdiesel with Like Like.
      So, at this point I guess the real questions is now.. where do we head for Detroit Diesel advice? Anybody found another forum that looks...
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      cosmo replied to the thread Towing a Dinghy.
      Bringing this thread back to life…. We purchased a 2004 BW and will be towing it behind our 44’ Tollycraft. We are a 10 knot cruise...
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      cosmo replied to the thread DIY Fuel Polisher.
      Thank you Ted. That is a nice, clean system. It's definitely food for thought as I begin my planning.
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      cosmo replied to the thread DIY Fuel Polisher.
      OC Diver, that's close to what I was thinking. I already have a 1000 on each main. I would mount a separate racor on the 'polisher...
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      cosmo replied to the thread DIY Fuel Polisher.
      For us, historically our boat doesn’t get a lot of use during the winter months (we are skiers). So, if I can run some fuel through the...
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      cosmo replied to the thread DIY Fuel Polisher.
      Haven't had a problem. I guess I 'think' I am being proactive by doing this? The last thing I want is a clogged filter or water in my...
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      I plan to construct a portable fuel polisher for our diesel boat. We have two-200 gallon tanks. My plan is to mount a pump, racor...
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      cosmo replied to the thread Watermaker question.
      Will do and thank you. Good luck!
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      cosmo replied to the thread Watermaker question.
      The antifreeze is the green stuff. Because of the limited space, probably best to extract the membrane system and break it down at...
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      cosmo replied to the thread Watermaker question.
      My concern is that all the plastic tubing, plastic filter (pre membrane) housings, all needs replacing. Plastic will absorb. Then the...
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      cosmo replied to the thread Watermaker question.
      Thank you. The PO built this system themselves based on internet research. It's too bad their 'can do' montra led to the poisonous...
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      Previous owner 'pickled' the watermaker and when I say 'pickled', I mean ruined it by using engine antifreeze. Watermakers are new to...
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