I think I just found the perfect grill!!!

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Sep 12, 2016
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Marine Trader 47’ Sundeck
It gets here tomorrow. Going to try it out this weekend. I think it’s going to be perfect. Wood burning, gets up to 1000 degrees while the base stays cool, uses just a few pieces of hardwood and cools down in 30 minutes.

I can’t wait!

It looks interesting. I'd like actually see one in operation. The 1000° temperature doesn't impress me. Hell, I achieve that heat almost every time I try to cook on the grill...that & 3' high flames! (That's yet another area where my wife excels & I fail)
For proper impartial evaluation...

Invite a group of TF'ers over to sample the production?

After all, we are great supporters of scientific methods here!!!

Looks like it'd be really great for home, camping and the beach; not so sure about on a moving boat... plus wood takes up more room than a propane tank if you're cruising for extended periods.
I’ve been wanting a grill for a long time. On our last boat I never found the right one so I never got one. Now with our new boat I was determined to get a grill. I didn’t want to deal with propane plus I don’t care for gas, although easy to use and consistent.

I thought there was no way I could realistically have a charcoal grill on a boat. But this little guy uses just a few chunks of wood (available in a bag at Lowe’s). I use those chunks of wood for my smoker at home. Anyway, a bag of wood should last long enough.

I think it’s pretty smart. A little fan to turn that fire into basically a blow torch. High temps, quickly gets up to temp and coping down, table top use, and that wonderful hard wood flavor.

It’s showing up today. Going to try it out at home tomorrow. Then we are headed to the new boat this weekend. Definitely going to try it out on the boat as well. I’ll keep you guys posted!
I used to have a similar grill. It was small, charcoal or wood fired, used very little fuel, stayed cool to the touch on the outside, was 100% stainless steel. It was called the Cobb. Great boat grill, but a PITA to clean.
I will be curious to hear your review. I am about to buy a grill for my new boat.

I would like to know how long it runs off one load of wood and how low you can get the temperature. The flat lid looks like it would seriously limit your options. For example, it looks like a whole chicken would not fit. A tri-tip might even not fit.

I have to say their marketing really annoys me. Half the stuff they say on their website is total BS. However, the price is good. If it is a usable grill and built well enough to last a while in the marine environment, I would seriously consider it.

My current leading contender is the Webber Q. I had one before in my RV and it was a fantastic grill. I like the idea of wood instead of gas.
There is a Canadian company that makes a wood fired grill. It looks like they even do one for boaters. I think the barbeque guy Steven Raichlen recommends it. With the US Canadian exchange rate it would be cheap. (Relatively speaking)

Nope, not for the boat. I don't want to have to load firewood and don't want to have to dump the ashes and leftover coals after I'm done with it.

Also, I didn't see a way to control that heat. Even a Traeger can do that.

1000* heat won't do these...
I've had a biolite stove for years. Can boil a liter of water in 5 or 6 minutes. Looks like a similar technology.
Re: Post #11...Your honor, the photographic evidence is quite clear. Someone took a taste of the 3rd rack on the right..

So someone went to south east Asia and saw how they cook there since Adam was a boy.

Yes - they are popular in the Middle East as well. Either wood or charcoal fired.

The temperature is controlled by a variable speed fan speed.
Nope, not for the boat. I don't want to have to load firewood and don't want to have to dump the ashes and leftover coals after I'm done with it.

Also, I didn't see a way to control that heat. Even a Traeger can do that.

1000* heat won't do these...

Hey now, those look like the ones you cooked for us this summer! And I might add the entire dinner was awesome. Between you and your Admiral I’d gain an excessive amount of weight if you guys cruised with us.
We had a Magma kettle using heat beads. It went when we sold, we bought a Magma LPG kettle for the new boat. Leaving aside Magma issues,the switch to LPG was a huge improvement in many ways,and somehow it imparts a real bbq flavour to meat. Without wood or charcoal mess or inconvenience.But,YMMV.
This thing is bad ass!!!!

I’ll keep this short and let the pics do the talking. I put about 6 little pieces of apple wood chips in the burner can and light with a blow torch...takes 30 seconds with the fan on. Then I throw either 1 or 2 large chunks of apple wood chunks (more if they are on the small size). Maybe 3 minutes later she’s roarin and ready to go.

The cool thing is you can always turn the fan off and just allow whatever heat is coming off the coals to do the work. I found that somewhere around medium can speed was perfect. The fish I used the lowest setting.

Last night I had it going for about 40 minutes and only added 2 more chunks of wood. This thing is super efficient! I think about my grill at home and how much coal I go use each time.

The other things that’s great is the base stays cool. My fiberglass hard top that’s only about 3 feet above it only slightly gets warm to the touch. And when done, the thing cools down in about 30 minutes. Clean up is a snap, I just use a damp paper towel and a small plastic bag to clean up the ash.

The only negative is the motor noise. It sounds like it’s a geared motor, makes a lot of noise at high speed. I’d be willing to bet someone on YouTube has found a replacement motor that will make it damn near silent.

I highly recommend!


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This was about 1 minute after lighting the chips.

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