Dauntless and Mexican Earthquake

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Jun 21, 2008
United States
Vessel Name
Mahalo Moi
Vessel Make
1986 Grand Banks 42 Classic

I noticed the epicenter of yesterday's 8.1 magnitude earthquake in Mexico isn't too far from Dauntless (on the hard). Is she ok?

Also, have any other forum members been affected by the quake?

I noticed the epicenter of yesterday's 8.1 magnitude earthquake in Mexico isn't too far from Dauntless (on the hard). Is she ok?

Also, have any other forum members been affected by the quake?

No news is good news. And I haven't heard anything, yet, so ...
Not much I can do in any case from afar.

Dauntless is in Huatulco, Mexico. My dockmate had told me that earthquakes produce a wicked surge in the marina.
He'd already experienced a few in the recent months, but clearly nothing as big as the 8th.

I'll let you know.
No news is good news. And I haven't heard anything, yet, so ...
Not much I can do in any case from afar.

Dauntless is in Huatulco, Mexico. My dockmate had told me that earthquakes produce a wicked surge in the marina.
He'd already experienced a few in the recent months, but clearly nothing as big as the 8th.

I'll let you know.


I did hear that marina Chiapas took a heavy hit, as the wave lifted the dock off the piling.

For some reason I thought you were on the hard. Good to see that Dauntless is ok.
For some reason I thought you were on the hard. Good to see that Dauntless is ok.

No. That's Dauntless when she was in Chaipas last month.

Now, she is across Gulf in Huatulco.
We too have been wondering how Dauntless is doing. Figured no news was good news and you would let people know when you know.

Typhoons in China, earthquakes in Mexico, and a monster hurricane hitting FLA. At least it is not raining cats and dogs... I should not have said that. :facepalm: :)


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