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Jeff F

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    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Return of Wanderlust.
      I think the original 34 should be a top contender. It's true that the 350/390 are widely regarded as "better" choices, but they're also...
    • Jeff F
      I've gone through several dinghies. Current one is a Highfield 340UL hypalon with a Tohatsu 20 hp, and it works well for me. The total...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Selling our boat questions.
      Yep. Ask a local broker which service they use/recommend. Does the buyer have any concerns? I think typically the buyer engages the...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      I had a chance to get aboard this boat yesterday. The listing broker is an old friend. Seller is a professional boat builder who built...
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    • Jeff F
      Your question is a reasonable one. I think the answer is to buy whatever boat suits your short-medium term use case and budget.
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Abaco's Trip.
      I went through Don't Rock Passage a few months ago in my 4' draft boat rather than out around Whale Cay. Had 6-7' of water all the way...
    • Jeff F
      I thought I had it covered. Then one day I shorted out the + terminal on the alternator with a wrench. As far as I can tell both...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread LFP batteries.
      I have a couple of LI Time 300a batteries. If (when?) the internal BMS fails my plan is to cut open the battery and use the cells with...
    • Jeff F
      WRT blowing the 30a fuse - the chargers are typically rated at output voltage, which can be several volts higher than the input source...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Ranger Tugs 43 real world range.
      I think one major upside for the designers is getting the engines in the stern of the boat rather than the middle. I've never seen the...
    • Jeff F
      I got the sense that was immediately after a shutdown. That would be consistent with an overheat. Good discussion.
    • Jeff F
      The allowance isn't any different for a boat vs a car. Excess is dutiable at the agent's discretion. If you're not aware, there is a...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread refrigeration.
      I had my Norcold 0061 stop working on DC. I ran it on AC for a year or so before it stopped working completely. I then replaced the...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Deal before survey?.
      Good list. As always I think to a certain extent it depends on the size of the boat and the deal. I've bought and sold lots of boats...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread The Case for Going Slow.
      I should also add that in my opinion if you're traveling at 1.2 SL and are so obsessed with range that you need calibrated monitoring...
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