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      Action replied to the thread Hello!.
      Welcome to the TF!
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      Bad choice of words I suppose - but it was Valentine's Day so... LOL
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      Action replied to the thread New technologies.
      I would agree with the above. Collision Avoidence. To tie into that, I believe operator error or inattention is the biggest cause for...
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      Action replied to the thread Please explain purchasing a slip.
      This idea has a lot of merit in my opinion.
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      Action reacted to Seevee's post in the thread Please explain purchasing a slip with Like Like.
      There are some slips available for purchase out there. However, as mentioned a above there's a LOT of issues to deal with. What do you...
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      Action reacted to MYTraveler's post in the thread Real Estate funding your cruising? with Like Like.
      I know first hand (as a landlord in both states) that Arizona's regulations are significantly less complex, less subjective, and less...
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      Rental property in AZ has been very good for me. I do not know for sure and I suspect the regulation is less in AZ than California...
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      Action reacted to Dixie Life's post in the thread CASH??? with Like Like.
      I’m in La. And the boat I’m looking at is in FL. Here’s one thing I’m concerned about, I’ll have to go through a lock or two. Never...
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      Action replied to the thread CASH???.
      LA as in Los Angeles? Or LA as in Lousiana? If the first, good luck. The US canal system has not connected the East and West coast yet.
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      Action replied to the thread oil.
      The last Ford Lehman was built in the early 1990s. Every oil made today for the application of a diesel is far better than any oil of...
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      Action reacted to READY's post in the thread oil with Like Like.
      One of those questions that will go down a rabbit hole. Who can really know what is the "best" oil. I buy Costco 5w-40 and see no...
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      Action reacted to Adopo's post in the thread CASH??? with Like Like.
      Oh man, really really hate to hear that, and we all think about this as the fuse gets short. If you don't mind, tell us about your boat...
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      Action reacted to fgarriso's post in the thread CASH??? with Like Like.
      I paid cash for my house and last two boats. But then I was known to house and boat brokers. As cash I wrote as personal check to the...
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      Action replied to the thread CASH???.
      I work in the mortgage industry, in the Southwest. (However that is going to change soon as I retire) There is a cultural thing where...
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      Action reacted to Shrew's post in the thread CASH??? with Like Like.
      Cash is a lot more common than you think. From the broker and seller's perspective, it's always 'cash'. Even if you obtain financing...
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