Trawler Forum Burgees Now Available!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'll order one for you. I hope they will be here in time for the gathering. If you don't make it, I'll donate it for a door prize.

I'll be there, thanks!
It looks like the TF members are embracing the TF Burgee...
We sold out the initial order qty and supplier has upped the qty of the initial build to extend the introductory price.
Supplier has been alerted and requested to start shipping ASAP when received from the factory hoping to make the FL Rendezvous... keep your fingers crossed we will be very close.
Also alerted to make corrections on the registry listing... thanks to the sharp eyed editors!
Just bought mine. Although after Pay Pal, it tried to go back to the page, said "could not be found".... Hmmmm. Will be watching this closely.
Forgive please my lack of knowledge... where would I fly said burgee? I know underway I could not use the bow (even if I had a flagpole on my railing) as it would interfere with my range of vision.

But where?
Seaweed doesn't seem to have a logical nor proper place to display.

Side view:

What say the experts?
Janice, you need a jackstay, a smaller version of a stern mounted flagstaff, mounted on the pulpit.
IGs come with a magnificent turned teak version with mushroom type cap on top. I rarely use it, fiddly to attach and to tighten the fitted halyard. There are simpler metal versions you can clamp on.
BTW, is that a white bird sitting on the dinghy??
I have seen some made of SS that clamp to the top of the bow rail. Visibility I don’t think would be a problem as it will blow in the wind (not related to the song of a similar name).
Thanks... yes I had forgotten about those gizmos for the bow rail. I'll look for one at a nautical sale. I betcha Seaweed will look cool with one of those burgees. The design is magnificent. Really really great.

Thanks to all who were so important in getting this from plan to fruition.

As for the bird: nope. It's a poorly designed/attached cover for the trolling motor. I have a better one now (the new one is nicer)
Fly it from your hanging flower basket! :D

Done. Sofia will proudly fly it!:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
Australian, New Zealand, Irish, English, French, Swedish and Dutch members what's this US Trawlers Forum ?
How about just 'Trawler Forum' so we can all join in !
Australian, New Zealand, Irish, English, French, Swedish and Dutch members what's this US Trawlers Forum ?
How about just 'Trawler Forum' so we can all join in !


(see previous posts)
Australian, New Zealand, Irish, English, French, Swedish and Dutch members what's this US Trawlers Forum ?
How about just 'Trawler Forum' so we can all join in !

Irish Rambler
Noted and request submitted - I thought this had been corrected but just checked and send a second request to delete the US or make International.
I do see all of the listings give a location and not sure if that is a required field in the submission?? Will report back if I learn anything more.
Our order is in. Thanks much!
Is anyone else getting "not secure" when they go on this site? I have tried from my home computer, work computer and phone. All 3 are on different networks with different security and I get the same message. I'm unable to purchase. I don't want to turn off my security just for this purchase.
I ordered via my phone without any issues. Also received an email confirmation from PayPal shortly after placing my order.
Is anyone else getting "not secure" when they go on this site? I have tried from my home computer, work computer and phone. All 3 are on different networks with different security and I get the same message. I'm unable to purchase. I don't want to turn off my security just for this purchase.

When you actually click the order button it switches to the PayPal secure site for the order to be processed............:thumb:
Ordered mine tonight. Such peer pressure! :blush: Now, should I fly it from the bow staff instead of the boat-builder's burgee or from the starboard or port mast spreader? I'm leaning toward starboard mast spreader.
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Ordered mine tonight. Such peer pressure! :blush: Now, should I fly it from the bow staff instead of the boat-builder's burgee or from the starboard or port mast spreader? I'm leaning toward starboard mast spreader.

Me, too.
Thank you Bacchus on behalf of all us other guys.
Looking good Janice, Happy Cruising.
Just got an update. Ours is on the way!:dance::dance:

If Seaweed had a mast you could fly it from a starboard spreader. If you have a radio antenna you could fly it there. I also see what looks like your 20 point navigation light mounted on a short mast. You could fly it from there.
I finally got mine on order. The issue was Google chrome says the trawler forum site is not safe since there was a link to the burgee company it was not safe. Finally had to go through my phone, delete history, caches etc. Go direct to the company and it worked.
Very good news.
I just received a note from Burgee Shoppe that they will start shipping this week.
Looks like the FL rendezvous folks might be sporting their burgees.. us that can't make it will be looking for photos.
I sure hope they arrive before we leave for Ft Pierce as I bought one to giveaway at the Saturday dinner.
Ordered mine tonight. Such peer pressure! :blush: Now, should I fly it from the bow staff instead of the boat-builder's burgee or from the starboard or port mast spreader? I'm leaning toward starboard mast spreader.

Good enough for me even though against etiquette.... as pointed out earlier. Actually, that is where my $75 sample version is flying as we speak. Is there a special prize for flying first? Something besides a Booby Prize for spending the $75?
First. Your prize is a special meal at the Ft. Pierce gathering Saturday night, Watfa is good at fixing special concoctions.

I received notice that my burgees have slipped so I’m sure there will be one on the prize table.
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