Posting with Voice Recognition Software

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May 11, 2019
United States
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50' Beebe Passagemaker
This is for those of you who are using Voice Recognition Software to post to the forum, that is, you speak into your phone or computer, and the device translates that into a printed post.

For the love of Mike would you PLEASE proof read your proposed post prior to sending it!

Numerous recent posts have been so glaringly full of errors as to be totally incomprehensible.
This is especially true in posts dealing with technical issues. For instance, when discussing, say, battery technology, and a member says "plus" and their software writes "puts", or similar changes, it's near impossible to divine what the poster is attempting (poorly in many cases) to communicate.

Another recent example, I THINK a member was trying to post "for naught", but the post actually said "four knots", which had absolutely no bearing on the subject being discussed.
I've especially noticed this problem with people who are using handheld devices, as many of the incomprehensible posts have a statement added to the post that says something like "Sent from my (Android device, Iphone)", etc.

Technology can be a wonderful thing but a couple of members' posts are regularly so chock full of errors, that rather than attempting to decipher what they are attempting to communicate, I've seriously considered putting them on my "ignore" list.
Most of these issues could be easily solved by just proofreading your post prior to submitting.

Question: Or am I the only member who is having issues with this?:hide::whistling:
You’re not at all the only one with this problem. When a post is unintelligible, I just move on to the next one. It hadn’t occurred to me that this might be a voice recognition problem. I had assumed it was either (1) folks for whom English was a second language, or (2) (respectfully) older folks who are not very technological savvy, or who are typing in a phone with fat thumbs. In either case, though, proofreading the post would be helpful — and polite.
I refrigerate that comment. i don't knead an AI to be incomprehensalbe...

I ALWAYS proof read my posts before I hit "quick reply button". I do not use voice recognition system but still make a fair number of typing and spelling errors.

Seems like I catch an error in nearly every post.

I totally agree with the OP. I spend quite a bit of my modding time quietly trying to correct obvious typos which render some posts incomprehensible, and where it is possible to work out what it should have been, but I by no means read every post, so many still slip through.

I suspect that posts from mobile devices are the more common culprits because not only is it easier to post from them using voice recognition, (because of their tiny touch screens), but it is harder, (more of a chore), to edit posts on those devices. But hey, I'm someone who even just texting a friend, will go back and correct a non-capitalised letter at the beginning of a sentence, and refuse to use abbreviations like ru = are you. So, I guess I'm a bit pedantic on this issue. But yes, please proof read your posts before hitting 'submit'. ?
I don't use voice and I laugh at the silly posts and never reply.
autocorrect uses a dictionary from a different planet.
Gee Scott, there are many posts on TF that make no sense even though grammar and spelling are perfect. Certainly not mine though ?
I admit that I have a relatively low tolerance for that sort of thing. Not that my own posts are perfect, but I do try. Once I hit my threshold, I just skip on to the next post.

It amazes me that so many people seem to think that the WRITER has no obligation to make their post decipherable, but rather that it is the READER who should put in the effort to understand what was written.
The bit I have trouble reading is when there's just a big wall of typeface on the page, no paragraph spacing... on screen worse than on a printed page... and even more difficult as my eyes age.

And sometimes there's a post with one long run-on sentence, no punctuation, no caps and lower...

I'm not the punctuation police, but I just can't wade through 'em...

So I usually just have to skip over most of those... maybe after the first line or so...

For the love of Mike would you PLEASE proof read your proposed post prior to sending it!

Question: Or am I the only member who is having issues with this?:hide::whistling:

You are most definitely NOT the only one!

And as one who dislikes automatic spell Czech, thank you for posting this!
Idea for a 'knew' thread:

'What is the most confusing post you've read today?'
Incomprehensible postings

For those not using voice rec apps, might I suggest a product called Grammarly Editor for Windows. I use this on my laptop which is what I use to answer most of my emails.

I think Google has a poor substitute for use in Android phones.

Not only will it catch most, notice most, mistakes in spelling it also addresses most grammar mistakes.

Now, this tool is only effective IF you are willing to slow down and go over the mistakes it finds and use the correction capabilities.

I like some, IF the person trying to convey an opinion has done such a poor job of elucidating the issue, then I just move on myself.


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