PNW insurance rates

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Veteran Member
Mar 26, 2016
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Bluewater PH Trawler
I just received my insurance renewal, we had a 10% increase in our rate vs. last year after 5 years with the provider and no claims. I'm curious what others in the Pacific NW are seeing?
I too saw a 10% renewal increase after 3 years without a claim. I had my broker go out and shop the market and found the new rate to be competitive. As I remember he mentioned the losses for insurers in the SE USA has impacted all of our rates.
I just received my insurance renewal, we had a 10% increase in our rate vs. last year after 5 years with the provider and no claims. I'm curious what others in the Pacific NW are seeing?

I just got non-renewed by my carrier (Novamar) after one year and no claims. Novamar stated in their nonrenewal letter that they are withdrawing from this class of business.

I am waiting on my broker to present options.

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