Perhaps a New Thread Topic Needed?

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Sep 1, 2016
Vessel Make
430 Mainship

Just a thought for a new discussion topic......

Why don't we consider a section where we can discuss some political views, and talk about taxes, government issues, etc. We could call it "Babble Talk" or "Anything Goes". A place where we can vent a bit about taxes and the various ways government takes our boating dollars.

Just got thru the "Registration Fees Could Increase in California" thread. Read it all the way through and learn a bit about what others are facing in different states. Also, learned about pizza. Had a few good posts to make, only to find the thread closed.

I understand the rules and respect them. I would still believe that the "no personal attacks" rule should always remain. But to bash the government a bit and the politicians that often make our lives miserable should be fair game. Heck, just watch TV. And a lot of other fine forums have a category for this.

Food for thought?
Or go the other way and just talk about boat stuff on TF. :hide:
First post from the below link.

OTDE: experiment fail

About two years ago we opened the OTDE forum as an extension of the harbor chat area. It was intended to isolate the most vitriolic and polarizing posts we had; those concerning politics, religion and gun rights. Folks were asked to opt in to participate and since that time we have stayed mostly hands off in that topic area.

Over the past months we've watched in dismay as topics went from simple crude humor to outright hate speech and the rancor engendered in that section of the forum has washed out onto the public forums and continues to be divisive and offensive to many. We have had many, many requests for closure.

No part of OTDE lines up with our site guidelines or the intent or spirit of the community:

“Be Courteous!
We aim to ensure that the forum is an enjoyable place that you want to visit time and time again. Our philosophy is that we want TrawlerForum to be an online reflection of the boating community. Treat each other with respect just as you would on the water.

Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Excessive sarcasm, belligerence, insults, profanity, anger, offensive comments about race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and national origin, are not acceptable.”

Effective immediately OTDE will be closed. We are a forum about boating and we share an interest in boating commonly. Let's focus on the things we have in common rather than on that which divides us.

There are plenty of excellent places on the internet to discuss politics, gun rights, the merits of various body parts and which flavor of religion is the true way but we are a boating board. Let's stick to trawler related topics - it's what we do best and the interest we hold in common.

Thanks for understanding.
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Mr. LM. Yep. I was there. At best, OTDE was an interesting, sometimes thought provoking exercise. At worst it was a cesspool. Interestingly, when OTDE was closed, TF lost a few posters who ONLY posted in that section. Gone, never to post again. A couple of the worst offenders did stay but only post infrequently in the current format and with an absence/ much lessened level of vitriol.

The ONE thing that I learned was that there are some TF members I wouldn't care to be in the same city with, much less meet. It's not difficult to imagine there are some who have the same opinion of me. No worries, they're wrong. Hahahaha...

Religion, sex and politics are subjects that one has to be VERY careful of discussing with casual acquaintances. The first two are easy to NOT discuss but there are some boating topics that are impossible to separate from politics. Anchoring restrictions in various states is one that immediately springs to mind and of course, COVID.

I think TF is a wonderful resource particularly due to the international membership and high levels of expertise available to all.
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Seevee, the original poster, wrote, "Why don't we consider a section where we can discuss some political views . . .?"

Let's please don't, thank you.
Why don't you just go to Twitter - plenty of vitriol there already. There is too much internet space already wasted in abusive, mind-farting ranting. Last thing we need more of whatever your political bent, especially on TF.
I think the plus in having it on TF is that we largely know the people we’re talking to. More like family. That makes a political discussion much more meaningful.

But making enemies is not good and I made at least one on the covid thread. Certianly not my intent as I thought I was being reasonable. But having experienced that I’m fine w nixing OTDE.
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We tried a more open discussion area in a different boating forum I'm involved with...

No matter what the rules, discussion quickly descended to religious, racial and political bigotry; debate by name-calling and profanity...

The forum owner (quickly) decided there are sufficient other places on the Internet available to those who wanted to electronically beat each other up...

Given the state of the cancel culture, I would not want to get banned from TF just because I voted for Trump!!
This is an example of a post that invites just what the moderator wants to stop. Even if it was meant in jest, some folks will, no doubt, interpret it as a serious statement. I agree with Larry M that we need to keep the discussions boating centric. I will readily admit that, at times, my language has been overly critical, bad in tenor, and has "crossed the line". I will not be participating in any non-boating-related discussions in the future. I pledge to be polite and respectful in the future. I apologize to all whom I have offended in the past. Notice that I did not say "may have offended", cuz I know that I have been an offender, even recently.
Given the state of the cancel culture, I would not want to get banned from TF just because I voted for Trump!!
My post was intended to simply point out that things rapidly get out of control.
As previous, I think a new thread as suggested is a very poor idea that should not be supported. I am sorry if I offended you but if so it simply makes the point that it is very easy to offend without being offensive. Once again, a very bad idea!!
Let’s stick to boating. If you want to rant or vent go somewhere else. IMO...
Another vote to NOT have a new sub-forum.

The love of boats/boating is what brings us all together on this forum. Don't see any advantage in a sub-forum that drives folks apart.

I have learned that there are folks that share the same passions, that I would enjoy sharing a beer with to learn more from, REGARDLESS of our same/different political leanings.

Given the state of the cancel culture, I would not want to get banned from TF just because I voted for Trump!!

Nobody gets 'cancelled' for their social, religious, or political belief's. People get banned for repeated, flagrant infringement of the published policies of the forum.
I'm a somewhat-active participant in the City Data forum, as a hobby of sorts...due to my career I've lived in many states and I enjoy helping people learn about states, cities and other areas. It's sad how it has changed in the twelve years I've been a member. If you do a "new posts" search there now, especially in the evening, roughly half of all new posts are in the politics/controversies sub-forum. This is a site with over 100 active sub-forums and averages 400-800 posts per hour during the day.
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