Holding Tank Sending Unit

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Senior Member
Jun 14, 2015
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Mariner/Helmsman 38
I recently replaced WEMA sending unit on one of my 2 holding tanks. I assumed it didn't matter which wire was spliced to which, Was I wrong? It isn't working. Any ideas? Help! ?
I have replaced several WEMA senders on my boat, and I do not think polarity matters to the sender, but does to the gauge. Do you have both senders running to a selector switch and only one gauge, or does each sender report to its own gauge? Swap the wires ar the gauge?
Each tank has its own gauge. I have not swapped wires yet, but will try before I spend any more money. I didn't pay any attention to which wire I spliced to which, so 50% probability that is my problem. Thanks for the advice. I'll let you know how this turns out. Replacing that sensing unit was a Bitch! If this doesn't work, i am considering Scad units. Good access to sides of tanks. ��
Once I had the access holes cut over my WEMA senders, it was a snap to get one out recently when I wanted to double check its operation by sliding the magnet up and down the rod.
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