Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No, that's not it.

"Today's Posts" in the old software showed all threads with one new post in the last 24 hours. Regardless of how often you checked "Today's Posts" would show the thread whether it had received another new post or not. In that menu, threads with new posts that you hadn't seen were bolded. Threads without a new post since you checked last weren't bold.

BTW, if viewing the site in a browser versus the app on a phone, the menus change ( include other options) on the horizontal toolbar depending on whether the phone is held in portrait or landscape.

Ted what you are describing is what I saw with old software on cell phone, but not on laptop. And that was a modification of the cell phone app
There used to be a down arrow to get to the first unread post in a thread. I don't see that anymore?
There used to be a down arrow to get to the first unread post in a thread. I don't see that anymore?
I said that too, but found now it is built into the thread title. Once you have read to the end, the next time click on title it goes to the newest post.
Ted what you are describing is what I saw with old software on cell phone, but not on laptop. And that was a modification of the cell phone app
No, I tried the cell phone app and immediately disliked it. I deleted the app and only used the browser to access the website.

There used to be a down arrow to get to the first unread post in a thread. I don't see that anymore?
Early in the discussion, Janet said you might want to hit the button to mark the forum read.
This is the easiest way to get to the new posts on all threads going forward.
Like the new look of TF but having a couple of issues:
1. It seems that reading to the end of the thread does not always cause its title to change from bold. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. I’ve even gone back into a thread to see if there has been a new post since I viewed it and found none.
2. Really liked the old avatar format which showed a member’s actual location rather than just country. This information is often needed to respond appropriately to questions.
I'm getting used to the new format. And for the most part like it. Some aspects are better than the old. Some are just different.

My current confusion is quoting. Hitting the +Quote button at the bottom of a posting can bring up quotes from other replies if I had started a quoted reply on another thread and then decided not to post that reply. Yes it's possible to delete the unintended extra quote(s) but tedious to back space through the unwanted text.

I can see that quoting messages from more that one thread might be useful. But then again, maybe not.
Like the new look of TF but having a couple of issues:
1. It seems that reading to the end of the thread does not always cause its title to change from bold. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. I’ve even gone back into a thread to see if there has been a new post since I viewed it and found none.
2. Really liked the old avatar format which showed a member’s actual location rather than just country. This information is often needed to respond appropriately to questions.
Item 2. Just add the information in front of your country location like I did.........:thumb:
2. Really liked the old avatar format which showed a member’s actual location rather than just country. This information is often needed to respond appropriately to questions.
This has been restored ;)
I like the new look, but noticed that everyone's boat type is now no longer shown under the Avatar. Is that under some sort of setting? Or are we trying not to shame one another on how big our boats are?
It's back, thank you Janet!
Oh, and I like the fact there is now a like.(y)
Why does my avatar have the bow of my boat cut off? It didn’t on the old software. Also it was posted above that the location was restored but mine still just says US. It used to have my city and state.
This site needed a refresh. And you have done a magnificent job. Thanks for all your hard work and patience.
Apparently avatar pics are cropped and “squared up” by the system even though the original pic might be rectangular. This results in them being chopped off left and right. See my avatar to the left.

Since most avatars are of boats and most boats are longer horizontally than vertically, can the system be changed to use rectangular pics.

For some reason I am getting messages like "oops something went wrong etc' when I want to post a reply. Does this have to do with a time limit for the reply ? Is there anything that can be done to lengthen that time limit ? After all, I first read the other replies, then write one myself and try to post it. THis would take me over the time limit for the page I guess.
The Forum’s Library is alive but is now Resources (it’s a software thing). Please contribute if you have something to share.

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Like the new format. How much memory do we have for Conversations vs the previous system? I don’t see the usual percentages.

Thanks for the good work on this.
Like the new format. How much memory do we have for Conversations vs the previous system? I don’t see the usual percentages.

Thanks for the good work on this.
They have been removed ;)
Thanks! Does that mean I don’t have to delete old messages to make room for new? IOW, do we have limitless storage?
Thanks! Does that mean I don’t have to delete old messages to make room for new? IOW, do we have limitless storage?
Yes. You can have a cluttered inbox now ;)
Why should my TF inbox be any different? 😊

Resources, formerly library.
Looking thru there have found you can download but not view several that was of interest. Quick enough to download and find out not for you. delete
Also can there be any kind of sorting within the categories
When using my android cell, sometimes I am logged in, most times I am not. Yes the stay logged in box is checked.
I recently tried to attach a PDF file to a post but was faced with an error msg that only picture files were allowed. Have we lost the ability to post PDF's?
I went back to a very old post and found the same PDF file attached to the old thread but now find its no longer allowed??
I recently tried to attach a PDF file to a post but was faced with an error msg that only picture files were allowed. Have we lost the ability to post PDF's?
I went back to a very old post and found the same PDF file attached to the old thread but now find its no longer allowed??
I tried to upload some workshop manuals I have for a thread where the member needs them. But I can't, since .pdf files are no longer a supported format. Surely this must be an oversight!

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