Extreme Cold Weather Coming?

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2019
Vessel Name
Devil Dog
Vessel Make
1987 Jefferson 42 Sundeck
Might want to keep an eye on the weather forecasts and our boats if in the North/Northeast/mid-Atlantic. I sure was hoping for a mild winter and early Spring here in the mid-Atlantic.

Saw a reference to this on today's Waterway Guide. Per the article:

The historic 1928/1929 winter pattern aims to return, as we head into 2nd half of January 2021, with now blocked Arctic regions after the Polar Vortex collapse. The Winter weather pattern forecasts for the second half of January 2021, now show a startling similarity to January 1929. That was one of the coldest winters in the past century. Almost an identical temperature distribution is setting up across the United States and also Eurasia. :eek:

The following link give a detailed analysis (put on your meteorologist hat!)

We've had a freakishly warm winter here so far this year. And very little snow as well.

The boat is indoors so I don't care about snow, but temperature is a concern. I can heat inside the boat while doing maintenance in there, but cold is a minor issue for polishing and waxing (I can only wear so much clothing before I can't move, and I'm sure at some point the polish starts to freeze). I can sand bottom paint in the cold, but applying new paint has to wait for warmer weather.

We were one of the last boats into the storage building this year, so we'll be one of the first out in the spring. I don't have a launch date yet, but currently I have to plan to have everything done by the end of March in case they give me an early April launch date. So if we get a serious cold snap, hopefully it's over and done by early March.
This was our creek in '18. Last year & the year before, there wasn't enough ice to make a snow cone. I've gone for Christmas cruises in my shirt sleeves and other years I've been locked in with thick ice until March. That's Virginia weather for you.


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Beautiful area :thumb:
Same here on the St Mary's though we haven't had a hard freeze in 15 years or so.
Sure its gona get cold , we are in a warm period between glaciers, enjoy!.

My father told me of Eastchester Bay freezing solid enough that chain drive coal trucks could deliver to City Island directly across the ice.
Yeah, it's gonna be cold in beantown starting this weekend!! But we've been lucky so far up here.
This weekend is the REAL cold snap! 10 degrees in Boston on Friday night!!
It's getting cold enough here that I have to put a pause on my polishing / waxing projects on the boat. Too cold for the polish to work properly once it's below 25 or so, it seems. So instead I get to do some engine maintenance and other odds and ends, then start sanding bottom paint. Hopefully we get enough warm time before launch to finish polishing, waxing and painting, as we're going to be a fairly early launch this year.
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