Boarded by Coast Guard

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another merchant mariner with an attitude till you hoist them to safety.... :)
Folks, I have no trouble being boarded by the USCG provided they contact me via the VHF and approach me in a reasonable manner.

They can board me day or night. If nothing else, I can offer them coffee. In the morning, eggs and bacon or sausage.... Lunch, maybe a sandwich and coffee or water? Dinner, I'd have to think .... what do I have onboard to feed all of us. Might be better if they call ahead for reservations so I can defrost something. SMILE

Just dont sneak up on me and scare the crap out of me. They do that and they may have to take the body of dead old man to shore along with his boat.
Dan I agree so far they have always called me on VHF
What I don't like is how the govt in its infinite wisdom saw fit to allow the CG to have the level of power that they do as regards the boarding of vessels minding their own business and bothering no one. It amounts to harassment and all the suck up language I have seen here about being polite, "they have many guns" etc., does not detract from the basic fact that when you are boarded by the CG for no reason other than bogus inspections, it is an undeniable but acceptable to most loss of freedom.

As a person minding your own business and bothering no one, how do you feel about:

TSA security screenings at the airport.
Random IRS audits
Cell phone data mining

In the 21st century public safety has infringed on some of our freedoms. Don't like it, stay home or run for public office and change the laws.

My boardings have all been pleasant. And, there was lots of warning, although they were all daytime affairs. Most times in the straights, the 95' patrol boat begins to cut me off. I'm doing 20 kts. At some point, I need to heave to. The 95 launches the diesel RIB out the back with 4 on board. They arrive, with two jumping on my bow and start to work their way aft. The clipboard holder finally yells if I have weapons on board. Those were the first words spoken. Then he boards.

Once I told the boarding crew not to toss the cabin too much, since I have sleeping kids up there. yes, they were sleeping thru 20kts of GS travel.
One other time, we had so much dive gear on deck that made walking around difficult for the extra passengers. They didn't complain, and just did what they had to do. If the kids were awake the USCG might ask if they knew how to don a PFD. We took the yellow copy, and parted ways. Really, nothing to complain about.

There is so much inbound illegal human and other cargo, that ultimately, I considered these things to make my landborne life safer. This goes far beyond safety inspections at sea. When you get approached by a stranger on an island to make $5k per head to do this or that, its bad... When you get approached by a stranger (by boat) to buy out of a 5 gallon pail of weed, its another data point. Yep, I've heard this and more.

When it gets more weird is when you get your boat tossed by non-US entities. Sometimes the Royal Bah. Defense Force will have you come alongside their patrol boat. So, now your in open water and they want you to motor up and raft against giant fenders manned at the gunnel. And, then they proceed to board and search everywhere to count cartridges. If the count doesn't match your declared count, there is trouble.

The fishing boats can have it much worse, as all the cleaned, wrapped fish, sometimes gets unwrapped and inspected.

At the end of the day, if your nose is clean, you get a good story to tell.
My boardings have all been pleasant. And, there was lots of warning, although they were all daytime affairs. Most times in the straights, the 95' patrol boat begins to cut me off. I'm doing 20 kts. At some point, I need to heave to. The 95 launches the diesel RIB out the back with 4 on board. They arrive, with two jumping on my bow and start to work their way aft. The clipboard holder finally yells if I have weapons on board. Those were the first words spoken. Then he boards.

Once I told the boarding crew not to toss the cabin too much, since I have sleeping kids up there. yes, they were sleeping thru 20kts of GS travel.
One other time, we had so much dive gear on deck that made walking around difficult for the extra passengers. They didn't complain, and just did what they had to do. If the kids were awake the USCG might ask if they knew how to don a PFD. We took the yellow copy, and parted ways. Really, nothing to complain about.

There is so much inbound illegal human and other cargo, that ultimately, I considered these things to make my landborne life safer

Yup, that's about how I see it.

As a person minding your own business and bothering no one, how do you feel about:

TSA security screenings at the airport.
Random IRS audits
Cell phone data mining

In the 21st century public safety has infringed on some of our freedoms. Don't like it, stay home or run for public office and change the laws.


It's all BS and not for safety, it's for money.

How many terrorist has the TSA captured?

The IRS is a scam, they take what they want with no real over sight but make it impossible to get your money back.

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
It's all BS and not for safety, it's for money.

How many terrorist has the TSA captured?

The IRS is a scam, they take what they want with no real over sight but make it impossible to get your money back.

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

Are you familiar with the concept of "Visible deterrents"? It's where you convince the opposition they have little to no chance of success. It's actually quite effective.

Btw, TSA has caught airline bombers. It doesn't last long in the media as nobody dies and the plane didn't blow up.

Are you familiar with the concept of "Visible deterrents"? It's where you convince the opposition they have little to no chance of success. It's actually quite effective.

Btw, TSA has caught airline bombers. It doesn't last long in the media as nobody dies and the plane didn't blow up.


Hahaha ok. They catch the shoe bomber? Underwear bomber? How about that soda bomb? The only thing they do is change regulations once failures are exposed.
me too and it isnt Ted that I dont believe...:)
Understand that Texas law isn't applicable in the situation being discussed, at all.

Why would it be?.....unless we #MALT (Make America Like Texas)
me too and it isnt Ted that I dont believe...:)

Wifey B: I'm with you and Ted as well. All those with so much problem with laws and law enforcement and the IRS and everyone else protecting us from anarchy, I just wonder sometimes what they've done that has led to their issues. :eek:
It's all BS and not for safety, it's for money.

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

Where did that quote come from? It sounds like something from George Orwells "1984"
Ok, so here is the story… chapter one.
My wife and I took delivery of our new Nordic Tug in Alameda, CA on Nov 10th and spent the night on board.
The next morning after a oil check and other preliminaries we fired up for the trip to the boat yard for a haul-out. You know just the usual bottom job and a few repairs.
We are just about at the yard and I spot a Coast Guard Rib coming my way… you know the ones with the machine guns fore and aft. His blue flashing lights are on, but, it looks like he will pass behind me so I keep trucking.
Well, after a bit, on comes the siren and I guess he means me… so...
I slow and he comes along side… a very young woman leans out and says they want to board and inspect my vessel.
So, fine… she and a young man come aboard… she says, "Captain, we want to inspect your bilges." What can you say?
While she goes about her business, the guy asks for my Coast*Guard Documentation…. Hummm, didn't Blythe take that OFF the boat and put it in the car??? As I am pondering my way out of this by stating that I have only owned the boat for 12 hours and am just going to the boat yard about 250 yards away, she (remember her) pops up and says "Captain, did you know that you have some red liquid in your bilge?" Well, no…
So, I look in the bilge with her flashlight and what do you know, there is about two feet of diesel swirling around… I just closed the hatch… thought I might check the engine room… yep, there it was again, still swirling around… and then the*coxswain on board the rib says, "Captain,*you are pumping something into our estuary..."
So now I am thinking, jail for stealing the boat, possible 10-30 thousand EPA fine for fouling the estuary and… well, things are not*looking real good… and*pumping and pumping… you know those automatic bilge pumps…. shutting them*down not too easy, but I did and disconnected the pumps.
So now we are sitting in this nice sheen of diesel extending to the horizon.
I throw caution to the wind and just ask,*"how about a tow over to the yard. It is just over there." Silence, then the coxswain radios his commander and they talk and we float and they talk some more. After quite some time they*agree that they will try and tow me…*25,000 pounds vs a small rib… they did not like this one bit in the close fairways of the boat yard, but, they did it.
As, I am waiting (for what), the young man completes his report and comes over to me and says, " Ok, Captain, I*have finished my report. I heard there was some fuel on the water, I did not see any. Have a nice day."
That was my first day on the water....
Believe what you want. Doesn't bother me. I know you're Mr. "The CG can do no worng!" So that says plenty.

wrong yet again...theres idiots and criminals in the USCG, almost as many as in the Metchant ranks.. :)

thats the difference between you and me..... I dont condem the whole merchant marine for some idiots and crminals....

I am the first to say there might a reason for that wreck, oil spill, grounding, etc....
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wrong yet again...theres idiots and criminals in the USCG, almost as many as in the Metchant ranks.. :)

thats the difference between you and me and the history of our posts show it.

Hahahaha ok. Whatever you say. By the way, my old man wasn't a Merchant Sailor, so your rant about our attitudes was unfounded.
I would have a real issue with black soled boot wearing , militarised rescue services pushing their way into my private life and home.

Glad we don't have that form of insanity here..........yet.

Add: if they are coming over for a friendly chat and to check rego and safety gear that's fine and I would have no issue, but leave your kicker boots and weaponry back on the big boat and do not board without permission.
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While its easy to disagree with that tiny part of the USCG and a FEW rare bad interactions..... the whole makeup of the USCG is a bit more complex.

When you have over a dozen major mission categories assigned to an agency, yeah, it has a few rough edges.

It takes a lot of professionalism to have as good of a reputation as tbey do.
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I think you's guys should get out boatin' more often! Seems kinda hot in here lately.

Reading this thread is starting to look like a scene from my childhood watching a couple old cronies in the neighborhood yelling insults to each other across the backyard fence.

Let's do our best to keep it out of OTDE.

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While its easy to disagree with that tiny part of the USCG and a FEW rare bad interactions..... the whole makeup of the USCG is a bit more complex.

When you have over a dozen major mission categories assigned to an agency, yeah, it has a few rough edges

Perhaps leave the rescuing for the rescuers and the military bit for the navy
Simply leave the guns and military garb back on the big boat when dealing with Joe Public
Ok, so here is the story… chapter one.

As, I am waiting (for what), the young man completes his report and comes over to me and says, " Ok, Captain, I*have finished my report. I heard there was some fuel on the water, I did not see any. Have a nice day."
That was my first day on the water....

Great story! Hats off to the USCG for a human reasonable response.

Simply leave the guns and military garb back on the big boat when dealing with Joe Public

But who is Joe Public and are they safe? Heck today we have kid bringing guns to school and killing people. Who can we trust and who can not be trusted.
But who is Joe Public and are they safe? Heck today we have kid bringing guns to school and killing people. Who can we trust and who can not be trusted.

I will tend to trust the 18 yo kid that volunteered for the USCG and has been through standardized training with defined pass requirements and is under the supervision of non-coms with more experience.

Having said that, a younger brother of a HS classmate of mine entered the USCG and did pretty well. He once told my Dad that he loved the job but there were times when he was a bit nervous and felt a large burden of responsibility during some boarding operations. He was only 21 or 22 and was the senior person in charge of boat crew boarding vessels. Apparently at that particular time, location, and type of operation, the procedure was for the guardsmen doing the boarding needed to have weapons in hand.

He was responsible for the safety of all concerned and the actions of these kids. He was cognizant of his own youth and inexperience.

My point is that he was a great kid who took his job seriously, fully aware fo the gravity of his responsibility. I doubt that he was unique.
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